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(2) Prior to disbursing any State financial assistance: <br />(A) Register each State assistance program with the Office of State Budget and Management <br />in the format and method specified by the Office of State Budget and Management. <br />(B) Execute a contract with the recipient that complies with the requirements of this <br />Subchapter. <br />(C) Report each individual award to the Office of State Budget and Management in the <br />format and method specified by the Office of State Budget and Management. <br />(D) Follow the procedures for disbursement of State financial assistance. <br />(3) Develop compliance supplement reports that describe standards of compliance and audit procedures <br />to give direction to independent auditors. This report shall be provided to the State and Local <br />Government Finance Division in the North Carolina Department of State Treasurer for inclusion in <br />the North Carolina State Compliance Supplement. <br />(4) Develop a monitoring plan for each State assistance progr am the agency oversees and submit the <br />plan to the Office of State Budget and Management for approval. <br />(5) Perform monitoring and oversight functions as specified in agency monitoring plans to ensure that <br />State financial assistance is used for authorized purposes in compliance with laws, regulations, and <br />the provisions of contracts, and that performance goals are achieved. <br />(6) Ensure that State financial assistance is spent consistent with the purposes for which it was awarded. <br />(7) Determine that reporting requirements have been met by the recipient and that all reports have been <br />completed and submitted in accordance with the recipient's contract. <br />(8) Monitor compliance by recipients with all terms of a contract. Upon determination of <br />noncompliance the agency shall take appropriate action as specified in Section .0800 of this <br />Subchapter. <br />(9) Require agency internal auditors to conduct periodic audits of agency compliance with requirements <br />of this Subchapter. <br />(10) Provide all requested documentation when subject to an audit of compliance with the requirements <br />of this Subchapter. Audits may be conducted by the Office of State Budget and Management, the <br />Office of the State Auditor, or the agency's internal auditor. <br />(b) Each recipient shall ensure that subrecipients have complied with the applicable provisions of this Subchapter. <br />Failure to comply with such provisions shall be the basis for an audit exception. <br /> <br />History Note: Authority G.S. 143C-6-22; 143C-6-23; <br />Eff. July 1, 2005; <br />Readopted Eff. July 1, 2016. <br /> <br />SECTION .0500 - RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE OFFICE OF THE STATE AUDITOR <br />09 NCAC 03M .0501 OFFICE OF THE STATE AUDITOR RESPONSIBILITIES <br />History Note: Authority G.S. 143C-6-22; 143C-6-23; <br />Eff. July 1, 2005; <br />Repealed Eff. July 1, 2016. <br />SECTION .0600 - RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE OFFICE OF STATE BUDGET AND MANAGEMENT <br />09 NCAC 03M .0601 OFFICE OF STATE BUDGET AND MANAGEMENT RESPONSIBILITIES <br />The Office of State Budget and Management shall: <br />(1) Provide guidelines to agencies for developing monitoring plans and establishing reporting processes <br />that meet the requirements established in this Subchapter. <br />(2) Maintain a Suspension of Funding list readily accessible to any interested party that identifies any <br />recipient found in noncompliance with the requirements of this Subchapter or the terms of their <br />contract. This list shall serve as notice to other agencies that no further State financial assistance <br />shall be provided to that recipient until they are removed from the list. <br />(3) Periodically audit State agencies to ensure compliance with requirements set forth in Section <br />.0400 of this Subchapter. <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: A0668E2C-EC33-465B-A5EE-E1302408AA65