Orange County NC Website
DocuSign Envelope ID: 1648A5F0-E971-4EFC-B3FA-2F3021D11A69 <br /> TITLE 7719 Rogers Road <br /> FY 20-21 <br /> NORTH CAROLINA <br /> PROPERTY OWNER QUALIFICATION AGREEMENT <br /> ORANGE COUNTY <br /> This Property Owner Qualification Agreement (hereinafter"Agreement"), made and entered into <br /> this 9th day of October, 2020, ("Effective Date")by and between Orange County,North Carolina <br /> a political subdivision of the State of North Carolina(hereinafter,the "County")and Zoila I.Rivas, <br /> (hereinafter, the "Property Owner"). <br /> WITNESSETH: <br /> That the County and Property Owner, for the consideration herein named, do hereby agree as <br /> follows: <br /> 1. Services <br /> a. Scope. This Agreement is for the qualification, provision and funding of professional <br /> services to be rendered by a licensed plumber ("Provider") at the Property Owner's <br /> property at(7719 Rogers Road) (Street Address or Street Addresses)located within Town <br /> of Carrboro jurisdictional area and identified as PIN(s) (9870346986) (hereinafter, the <br /> "Property"). These professional services shall be with respect to the installation and <br /> permitting of a single private sewer service lateral connection and the abandonment of the <br /> existing septic system for each Street Address/PIN listed above (the "Work"). <br /> 2. Responsibilities of the Property Owner <br /> a. Cooperation with County and Town. The Property Owner shall fully cooperate with the <br /> County and the Town of(Carrboro) ("Town"). Property Owner has or shall provide all <br /> requisite information including proof of ownership, income and other financial <br /> documentation, along with any other information or documentation requested. <br /> b. Cooperation with Provider. The Property Owner shall provide a right of entry and all <br /> necessary or reasonable access to allow the Provider to complete the Work. <br /> 3. Responsibilities of the County <br /> a. Cooperation and Coordination. The County has designated Christopher J. Sandt, P.E. to <br /> act as the County's representative with respect to the Work and shall have the authority to <br /> render decisions within guidelines established by the County and shall be available during <br /> working hours as often as may be reasonably required to render decisions and to furnish <br /> information. <br /> b. Contracting and Funding. The County has or shall issue an informal request for <br /> proposals (RFP) to solicit and select the lowest responsive and responsible Provider for <br /> the permitting and installation of the private sewer service lateral connection and <br /> associated abandonment of the existing septic system. The County will contract directly <br /> with the Provider to complete the Work. <br /> October 2020 1.0 1 <br />