Orange County NC Website
DAILY CAPACITY (LOS `D') <br /> Rural Road Suburban Road Urban Road <br />Subdivision Subdivision 2-lane 2-lane 3-lane <br />Size Traffic 8,000 12,000 16,000 <br />(# of Lots) (Trips Per Day) <br />20 200 2.5 1.7 1.3 <br />40 400 5.0 3.3 2.5 <br />80 800 10.0 6.7 5.0 <br />The impact of projects with over 5% traffic increase above total capacity comports to significant <br />changes warranting the additional review through the subdivision and zoning process, <br />The proposed Growth Management System promotes subdivision analysis, specialized <br />standards review, and design at scales consistent with arural/agricultural character or urban <br />character depending upon geographic location within the County, <br />In addition to putting forth growth regulations that manage the size and location of projects, this <br />proposal includes additional land development performance standards based on the scale of <br />the project. In essence, the larger the project, the more complex research and analysis are <br />necessary to ameliorate the potential impact of the project. <br />Scale could also involve acreage consideration but the variability is mare dependent upon land <br />use density conditions that could be better managed by Comprehensive Plan guidance that will <br />eventually compliment these zoning and subdivision regulations, <br />This proposal provides a tiered subdivision review process based on the location and the <br />number of lots proposed. <br />II BOCC/PLANNING BOARD JOINT PUBLIC HEARING <br />The County Commissioners and Planning Board (PB) conducted a Joint Quarterly Public <br />Hearing on the proposed Growth Management System Amendments on August 25, 2003 at the <br />F. Gordon Battle Courtroom.. A Powerpoint presentation was conducted followed by questions <br />from the BOCC and PB, The Public was present but did not comment or ask questions. <br />III PROCESS CHANGES -SUBDIVISION REVIEW <br />The basis of the subdivision process changes is a differentiation between urban and rural <br />designation areas and the associated and relative impacts that occur based on project lot size <br />in a specific location, <br />Although various options of rural/urban designation areas were presented at the public hearing <br />for perspective, the suggested version was Option 1. Option 1 included a 13.2 square mile area <br />as the `Urban Designation', which is comprised of the existing 10, and 20-year Comprehensive <br />Plan Land Use Element transition areas, which are within the adopted Water and Sewer <br />Management Planning and Boundary Agreement Map, The rest of the County is designated <br />'Rural', <br />