Orange County NC Website
Ordinance as recommended by Administration ATTACHML^N7 5 23 <br />f) PEDESTRIAN/BICYCLE PLAN <br />If the subdivision is located in a Transition Area <br />designated as such on the Land Use Element of the <br />Comprehensive Plan, a plan for sidewalks or <br />pedestrian/bike lanes as part of the public roads using, <br />where appropriate, alternative North Carolina <br />Department of Transportation design guidelines that <br />include pedestrian/bike lanes as part of the public road <br />system. For proposals not located in a transition area <br />an off-road, pedestrian plan shall be submitted. <br />g) LANDSCAPE PLAN DETAILS <br />A landscape plan that shows: I) the proposed locations, <br />and types of, plantings, 2) the existing natural landscape <br />with existing topography, 3) the width of roadside and <br />perimeter buffers to be left undisturbed, 4) the open <br />space (proposed undisturbed and proposed improved) <br />as well as type of ownership shall be submitted with the <br />application. <br />8.8.29.IB Additional Information (For all applications ofover 40lots) <br />a) SOLID WASTE <br />The location within the subdivision of a solid waste <br />convenience center(s) intended to serve the subdivision <br />and, where appropriate, the area in which the <br />subdivision is located. <br />b) BIOLOGICAL INVENTORY <br />A biological inventory which identifies habitat diversity, <br />species diversity, species of special concern such as <br />those designated as threatened or endangered, last <br />known sighting, candidate species likely to be present <br />which may warrant protection, specimen trees <br />outstanding in size and/or species, and the status and <br />source of the information compiled in the inventory. <br />The biological inventory shall be accompanied by an <br />analysis describing habitat integrity, relationships <br />between habitats and to ecological communities offsite, <br />any existing threats to flora and fauna and potential for <br />habitat enhancement. <br />c) ENVIRONMENTAL MITIGATION <br />A mitigation plan is required when any wetland or <br />other environmentally sensitive area identified in the <br />biological inventory will be altered as a result of <br />