Orange County NC Website
Ordinance as recommended by Administration ATTACHMENT 5 22 <br />the form of a certified copy of a resolution to that effect <br />enacted by the governing body of the water system <br />providing the water to serve the lots in the subdivision. <br />If the proposed lots are to be served by a public sewer <br />system proof of public sewer service availability in the <br />form of a certified copy of a resolution to that effect <br />enacted by the governing body of the sewer system <br />providing the sewer service to the lots in the <br />subdivision. If the proposed lots are to be served by a <br />community water and/or sewer system, proof that the <br />system(s) will be operated either directly by or through <br />contract with the water and/or sewer provider whose <br />service area or interest area it is, as defined in the <br />Water and Sewer Management Planning and Boundary <br />Agreement and Map adopted December .3, 2001, and as <br />may be amended from time to time. <br />e2) WATER RESOURCE REPORT (For Private Wells) <br />If the proposed lots are to be served by individual wells <br />or community wells, a professionally prepared <br />groundwater yield analysis relating the proposed wells <br />to the U.S. Geological Survey Water Resources <br />Investigations Report 00-4286 and any later USGS <br />Water Resource Investigation Report data available. <br />c3) SEWAGE DISPOSAL REPORT <br />If the proposed lots are to be served by individual septic <br />systems the Environmental Health Division shall submit <br />a report indicating approval for each building lot and <br />for the open space if a homeowners' association amenity <br />is proposed to be constructed within the open space. <br />d) OPEN SPACE CONNECTIVITY <br />A map that demonstrates that the open space <br />composition, accessibility, shape and size requirements <br />as set forth in Section IV-B-10 of the Subdivision <br />Regulations are to be met. <br />e) NATURAL & HUMAN-MADE RESOURCES <br />A written and graphic site analysis illustrating soils, <br />depth to water table, slope, hydrology, vegetation, <br />natural areas and habitats of special concern, <br />infrastructure and other constructed features, historic <br />and archaeological sites, and visual analysis of views <br />into and from the site. <br />