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Ordinance as recommended by Adnvnishation ATTACHMENT 5 17 <br />5) Major Subdivision, Planned Development, Urban Designated (80+ <br />Lots)-- A tract of land in an Urban Designated area that is proposed for <br />a subdivision of 80 or more lots. <br />For the purpose of determining whether a subdivision is a Major <br />Subdivision, Class A Special Use (Rural Designated or Urban Designated), <br />or a Major Subdivision, Planned Development, (Rural Designated or <br />Urban Designated) the number of lots created shall be determined by <br />counting the cumulative number of lots created, through subdivisions, on a <br />tract or parcel of land as the boundaries of said tract or parcel of land <br />existed in the Land Records of Orange County as of <br />[the effective date of these Amendments] <br />Rural Designated - P'or property that is not located in Urban Designated <br />areas as defined in these definitions. <br />Urban Designated -For property that is located within a Transition Area as <br />identified in the Land Use Element of the Comprehensive Plan and also <br />within a Primary Service Area as defined by the Water and Sewer <br />Management Planning and the Boundary Agreement and Map adopted <br />December 3, 2001 and as either may be amended from time to time. <br />Wetlands -Those areas that are inundated or saturated by surface or ground <br />water at a frequency and duration sufficient to support, and that under <br />normal circumstances do support, a prevalence of vegetation typically <br />adapted for life in saturated soil conditions. Wetlands generally include <br />swamps, marshes, bogs, and similar areas. (Definition taken from EPA <br />regulations at 40 CFR Section 2.30..3(t) and COE Regulations at 33 CFR <br />Section .328.3(b), as of July 2nd, 2002) <br />Section 2. SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS. Amend Section III-D-.3 to read as follows: <br />Preliminary Plat Approval <br />Application and approval procedures specif ed in this Section =__~ apply to <br />all Preliminary Plats: except and to the extent that applicable Or°ange <br />County Zoning Ordinance application and approval procedures pertain. <br />The applicant of a major subdivision not otherwise classified as a Major <br />Subdivision, Class A Special Use (Rural Designated or Urban Designated) <br />or a Major Subdivision, Planned Development (Rural Designated or Urban <br />Designated) may~arnaa a:~.~ro~.g~=ns-been-applie~2~~.~~ <br />hewever; choose to vest the Preliminary Plat for a longer time period than is <br />otherwise provided by this Section. If he/she wishes to exercise this option, the <br />application approval procedures required for Class A Special Uses shall apply <br />as specified in Article 8 of the Orange County Zoning Ordinance for a Site <br />Specific Development Plan Special Use. <br />