2021-297-Solid Waste-Triangle J-MOU Dues Solid Waste Consortium
Board of County Commissioners
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2021-297-Solid Waste-Triangle J-MOU Dues Solid Waste Consortium
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Last modified
7/2/2021 3:22:35 PM
Creation date
7/2/2021 3:22:30 PM
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Memorandum of Agreement <br />Triangle Region Solid Waste Consortium <br /> <br />THIS AGREEMENT, made the 10th day June, 2021 by and between Triangle J Council of Governments, <br />hereinafter called the “Council”, and the County of Orange, hereinafter called the “County.” The Council <br />and the County shall collectively be referred to as the “Parties.” <br />WITNESSETH <br />WHEREAS, the Council operates to provide planning and technical assistance to local governments and <br />for region-wide projects in Region J as empowered by the North Carolina General Statutes and by its <br />Charter Resolution, adopted by all member governments of the Council; and <br />WHEREAS, the County requests that the Council provide such technical assistance, as detailed in the <br />following Scope of Work and further outlined in a yearly work plan; and <br />NOW, THEREFORE, the Council and the County mutually agree to the following: <br />1. Scope of Work <br />The County hereby agrees to engage the Council and the Council agrees to perform in a <br />satisfactory and proper manner the work below: <br />a) Provide staff to convene the Triangle Regional Solid Waste Consortium (“Consortium”) <br />and to facilitate communication and meetings among the Consortium members. <br />b) Provide staff to work with Consortium members to develop governance structure and <br />appropriate governance documents. <br />c) Provide staff to conduct analysis and provide recommendations on behalf of the <br />Consortium. <br />d) Provide staff to work with the Consortium to develop a strategy on regional approaches <br />in the areas of solid waste collection and disposal, recycling, biosolids, composting, yard <br />waste, household hazardous waste, and other services that the Consortium determines <br />is appropriate to study and/or develop strategies around. <br />e) Provide staff to develop regional outreach and education related to recycling and solid <br />waste issues. <br />f) Provide staff to work with the Consortium to implement priority needs. <br />g) Provide staff to develop Interlocal agreements and joint contracts and to, maintain, <br />administer, evaluate, and monitor agreements and contracts for the provision of <br />services or when any of these activities are deemed beneficial to the Consortium <br />members. <br />h) Develop a yearly work plan and budget, which will be approved by Consortium members <br />each year. <br /> <br />2. Responsibility of the County <br />a. County will provide appropriate representation to the Consortium and will actively <br />participate in the Consortium’s activities. <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: B9C0FF1D-A1F1-41C6-913E-92006AE80A32
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