Orange County NC Website
Attachment 5 <br />Proposed Design Principles for the <br />Chapel Hill Township Park/Educational Campus <br />1: The tlesign of the etlueadonal campus antl the park facilities should provide, <br />to the a#ent possible, a "seamless transition" between school areas antl park <br />areas <br />2. All pprdons of the park/wmpus not deslgnetl for playing fieltls or school <br />fadlitles shoultl atlhere to "Olms[eatlian" park tlesign concepts, which woultl <br />enwu2ge natural state, open meadows and fields used Por a variety of <br />flexible public uses <br />3. Xerisraping, with native vegetation and minimal water use should be <br />enceuaged in all portions of the park <br />4. The Master Plan shall be sensNVe to protection of the natural environment, <br />particularly along stream cenitlors antl other Identified natural areas <br />5. The hlstortc antl cukural aspects Of the Cate Family farm (historic homestead, <br />log shin, farm outbuildings) shoultl be retalnetl antl Integratetl into the park <br />tlesign <br />6. The potential far nature education programs between the County, Chapel HIII- <br />Carrboro CILy Schools antl Duke's Scholl of the Fmimnmen[ (Duke FOmst) <br />shoultl be pursuetl on this site and adjoining Duke Forest lands <br />enwronmamenaeesw,me co„serea6m, <br />PO BOx 8181 /306A Revere ftoatl <br />HTISMmugh, NC D9H <br />(919)295-158/ <br />