Orange County NC Website
22 <br />It seems evident that the Central Orange Adult Day Health Program will most likely <br />continue to receive referrals from low and middle-income residents of Orange County. <br />Staff believes that charging participants the actual cost to provide the services would make <br />participation by low-income individuals impossible. In order to serve low-income older <br />adults rather than just private full pay participants, it is desirable and recommended that <br />both public and private agencies continue to financially support the Adult Day Health <br />Program for at least the next few years. Otherwise, Adult Day Health would either have to <br />discontinue service or only serve full pay participants. <br />The Advisory Board on Aging Recommendations for FY2004 <br />The Orange County Advisory Board on Aging views the Central Orange Adult Day Health <br />Program Initiative as a community partnership, not a county program. Anon-profit agency <br />will be established in FY2004 to assume the adult day health program as well as operate <br />other programs designed for frail and disabled alder adults identified in the Master Aging <br />Plan. Specifically, the new non-profit agency (Senior Care, Inc.) would advocate for <br />services to frail or disabled older adults (M.A.P, Goal VI-A, a-10) and develop an <br />employment pool of certified nursing assistants (CNA's) and personal care aides (PCA's) <br />for home care at affordable rates. <br />Far FY2004, the Advisory Board on Aging with DOA staff has proceeded with the <br />establishment of a new non-profit organization to assume operation of the Adult Day <br />Health Program and related ventures from the County by July, 2004. Steve Lackey, local <br />attorney and Chair of the Orange County United Way Senior Issues Team, has prepared <br />the by-laws and articles of incorporation for the new agency, Senior Care, Inc., to be <br />reviewed and approved by the County Commissioners. Carol Woods and UNC Hospitals <br />have both submitted support letters to participate on the board of directors for the new <br />non-profit agency. <br />The Orange County Department on Aging has prepared an operating budget for FY2004 <br />(Attachment #3) and continues to manage the Adult Day Health Care Program until the <br />new Senior Care, Inc. is in place to take over its operation. <br />The Advisory Board on Aging has recommended maintaining a $40,000 county level <br />funding with a gradual reduction over time as federal/state reimbursement rates increase <br />to support low-income participants and the non-profit continues to seek additional support <br />from the private sector. <br />FN:MAP Projects/Adult Day Health Center/Progress Report-November2003 <br />