Agenda - 11-05-2003-9a
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 11-05-2003
Agenda - 11-05-2003-9a
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21 <br />Staffing <br />Collaboration was key to establishing the highly qualified staff active in the program, The <br />Department on Aging employs the Adult Day Health Manager and contracts with the UNC <br />School of Nursing to provide a Registered Nurse (RN) that can also supervise nursing <br />students, giving them more exposure and experience with the alder adult population. The <br />Department also a contract with Home Health Solutions to provide a nurse's assistant <br />responsible for the personal and health care needs required by some participants. Staffing <br />agreements with both agencies were signed, and all staff were hired and trained in <br />December, 2002. <br />Certification Process <br />After extensive local facility inspections and program review by the Department of Social <br />Services, the Health Department and state program review, the N,C, Division of Aging <br />issued a state adult day care operators license in March, 2003 to serve up to ten full time <br />participants a day. However, based on actual square footage, the current location <br />conceivably could accommodate up to twelve participants and future consideration may be <br />given to that issue, <br />Participants Enrollment Process <br />The enrollment process provides vital information for the staff about a participant. The <br />most critical part of this is the medical examination report that is completed by the <br />participant's physician. It provides information on medical conditions and medications, The <br />program has experienced great delays in this part of the process, sometimes up to a <br />month or longer to have a report returned, The report is vital because a participant may not <br />begin attendance until the report is received and reviewed, There is one physician office <br />that charges a fee to the family to have the report completed. Physicians and their offices <br />need to be educated about the value of the program, and the importance of returning the <br />completed paperwork. <br />Need for Continued Public-Private Support <br />Last year mare than 6 programs or centers of this type closed in North Carolina. They <br />close most often because of financial difficulties, Adult day services receive low <br />reimbursement, if any, from state and federal sources, Medicare provides no <br />reimbursement. Medicaid allocates $37.50 per day in its Community Alternatives Program <br />(CAP/DA). The State Adult Day Care Fund provides $23,07 for a participant attending for <br />social care, and $30,00 for those requiring medical care. The cost to provide the service <br />per person per day is approximately $65A0. The average monthly income of our <br />participants is $890 (See attachment #2).. <br />
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