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20 <br />The Adult Day Health Program was designed to serve all income levels of participants in <br />Orange County, not just those who can privately pay the full cost of the services, In fact, it <br />would be very difficult for any individual to pay for what the service costs, Each of the 1 Q <br />full-day slots cost $65.00 a day, Thus, a sliding fee scale was established (Program <br />Report: Attachment #1). <br />Community/Funding Support <br />Several community organizations committed their support to this initiative, They included: <br />1) Carol Woods -administrative costs; 2) Friends for the Senior Center in Central Orange <br />supported the utility costs, 3) UNC School of Nursing provided contract nursing services <br />required for Adult Day Health Centers, (4) UNC Health Care -supplemental funds for low <br />income participants. In order to establish the Adult Day Health Center as a teaching <br />model, several UNC Health and professional schools (Social Work, Occupational Therapy, <br />etc,) have also agreed to place students on an ongoing basis. <br />Location <br />As the population grows and referrals continue to increase, participant space is becoming <br />more limited on certain days, Far example, on Friday there are ten program participants, <br />our current maximum capacity. There are also 3 staff members and occasionally a <br />volunteer. It becomes quite difficult to conduct programming and to reduce and control a <br />busy environment that can often be agitating far our dementia participants. As the <br />community becomes more aware of the program and its benefits, a larger space may be a <br />necessity. <br />Policies and Programming <br />The state standards for certification provide developing centers a blueprint for the types of <br />policies they need, The Central Orange Adult Day Health Program went above and beyond <br />these standards by creating policies that will deliver care which promotes independence <br />and self-care, maintains a participant's health and well-being and improves their quality of <br />life, The policies were formed with the input of social workers, physical therapists, <br />occupational therapists, nurses, and others with experience in the field of geriatrics and <br />adult day services, (Policies are available for inspection.) <br />The programming components, consisting of social, therapeutic and educational activities, <br />were developed with the cooperation of students dedicated to providing innovative and <br />progressive engagement of older adults, These were students and interns in such fields as <br />occupational therapy, nursing, and social work. <br />