Orange County NC Website
19 <br />The Program <br />The Adult Day Health Program provides social and health services to frail, disabled and <br />isclated older adults, Stimulating activities and enriching programs and nutritious meals <br />and snacks and rehabilitative services, are all provided underneath one roof. The center <br />provides respite and education for the participants' families and caregivers, giving them a <br />much-needed break and support from the responsibilities of caregiving. These objectives <br />serve the main goal of the program, which is to prevent or delay the onset of <br />institutionalization of the participants, <br />In an effort tc address the above-mentioned goal of providing education to caregivers, the <br />center began offering a Dementia Caregiver's Support Group. The group is a collaborative <br />effort with the Department on Aging's Eldercare program, who already conducts a support <br />group in Chapel Hill. Now on the first Tuesday of each month, caregivers in the central and <br />northern parts of the county have a more easily accessible service for them, <br />Overview <br />The Central Orange Adult Day Health Program first began on March 28, 2003. The <br />program started with one full-time participant, and as of October 2003, the population has <br />grown to an enrollment of fifteen, with four participants waiting to be enrolled, Seven of the <br />participants attend for a full day, while eight attend for half a day. Each day, there are <br />either nine or ten participants attending. <br />The increase in population has necessitated the hiring of an additional aide to assist with <br />programming and care for the participants, The program has also recruited community <br />volunteers to provide additional activities to participants, Student interns, whose disciplines <br />include nursing and social work, are also working at the center, thus fulfilling the center's <br />goal of becoming a teaching model and providing students of various disciplines <br />experience with the elder population, Participants are also able to receive physical therapy <br />while in attendance. <br />Referrals to the day center have included the following: <br />Department on Aging's Eldercare Program <br />Individuals who have seen newspaper articles <br />Word of mouth (including families of those who have a family member already attending) <br />Durham VA <br />Community Occupaticnal and Physical Therapists <br />tJNC Hospitals <br />Hubbard Team <br />