Orange County NC Website
ll/u9/2001 10:06 9196003002 OR. CTV. PLNJNIN6 PAX 06 /B7 <br />Diagram of the Relationship Between the Economy and the Environment <br />GLORAL ECOSYSTEM <br />Inputs <br />ECONOMY <br />�OUtputs <br />(raw materials <br />(products, wastes, <br />and energy) <br />and energy) <br />What does all this mean on a local level? And what can Orange County do to help <br />achieve global sustainability? <br />Three key foci for local community efforts are: <br />• creating and maintaining an equitable, prosperous community where the basic <br />needs of all are met and community involvement thrives; <br />• preserving the ecological integrity ofthe natural landscape and resources; and <br />• reducing consumption and waste production by using fewer resources and using <br />them more efhgiently. <br />Orange County can use means such as incentives, policies, regulations and education <br />to promote sustalnabiltty and preserve its high quality of Ire. Setting policy goals. such <br />as a goal to reduce automobile dependence, and establishing means to achieve move <br />goals, such as spending public transit, promoting carpooling and building bicycle <br />lanes, will move the county toward sustalnablllty. <br />The SOCF Sustainabilify Committee crashed a prellminary set of 44 sustainabllity <br />Indicators after reviewing a range of indicator work done in venous localities and <br />entries, and in some cases consulting wM local experts on appropriate Inclusions. <br />These indicators measure the tratua and trends for various aspects of sustainsbiltty. <br />Taken together and used over lime, the Indicators can provide information on the overall <br />health and sustainabllity of the community. and whether It Is handed toward or away <br />frombecomingsustainable. As a result, the development of Indicators for the county <br />becomes an important component of hs overall sustainabllity. The final section of this <br />repot, Using Indicators Toward a Sustainabllity Plan, describes in mom detail the <br />benema of tricking indicators and how nay can be used In planning for sustainabllity. <br />3 <br />