Agenda - 11-13-2001-5
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Agenda - 11-13-2001
Agenda - 11-13-2001-5
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11/0912001 10:46 9196043002 M. CTV. RAWING PACE 00 /67 <br />Introduction <br />This report builds on work done by the Shaping Orange Coures Future (SOCF) Task <br />Force and its Sustainabillty Committee. The SOCF Sustainability Committee report <br />defined principles of suatainabllity and identified a preliminary set of 44 indicators to <br />measure county progress regarding suaminablllty. The SOCF report was followed by a <br />staff report assessing the feasibility of collecting data for these indicators. This staff <br />report shows where there are gaps between data avalleblllty, and what the community <br />would like to measure to assess sustainablity. The present report attempts to measure <br />some of those indicators for which data is readily available, and suggests some <br />alternative Indicators to fill gape, perticularlywhere data is unavailable for the original <br />indicators. <br />The report contains three sections. The fret section. Sustainebility: a Global Concept <br />and Contest for Local Action, reviews the SOCF suslainebility definition and principles, <br />and provides a context for understanding sustainability, what can be done on a local <br />level, and the purpose of using sustainablllry indicators. <br />The second section provides brief assessments for indicators for which dam wee readily <br />available and collectable within the timaframe for completion of this report. The <br />indicators are grouped into three major clusters, Economy: Creating and Maintaining <br />Liveabllity, Environment: Respecting Environmental Limits, and Equity. Creating and <br />Maintaining an Equitable Community. <br />For some Indicators where date Is not available, alternatives have been suggestetl, and <br />data collected an these as feasible. There are also some indicators from the original 44 <br />that should still be considered though data collection for these is beyond the scope of <br />this report . It is also suggested Nat a few cf the 44 Indicators be dropped. where data <br />are lacking and the same aspect is covered by another indicator or the indicator does <br />not appear to be key to county sustainability, Appendix A Ilsts the original 44 indicators <br />and indicates the status or each (i.e. indicator status sheet completed, some data <br />Collected, more feasible alternative suggested, ate.) In a few cases, new indicators for <br />which data is available have been suggested to supplement the original set of <br />Indicators. The end result is a recommended set of 42 indicators for which dam could <br />be collected on a regular basis to provide a comprehensive view of the countys <br />progress toward sustainability. This section ends with a brief synopsis of what the <br />measurable Intl Inshore tell us about where Orange County is headed regarding <br />sustainability. - <br />The final section concludes the report with recommendations on ways to use the <br />sustalnatillry, Indicators toward an Orange County Sustainablllry Plan. <br />
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