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12 <br /> where the actual versus budgeted match. He said the BOCC is funding per student more than <br /> the students who actually come. <br /> Commissioner Dorosin said one of the metrics put out publically, as part of the budget, <br /> is the per pupil number, and this slide shows that amount is actually more than the amount <br /> listed in the budget. He said the actual per pupil amount should be noted, and should be <br /> included in the budget analysis and reports. <br /> Travis Myren resumed the PowerPoint presentation: <br /> SLIDE #15 <br /> Recommended School Funding <br /> • Operating Budges School Funding—page 164 <br /> FY2021-22 Operating Budget <br /> Total Recornrnended School District Funding <br /> Current Expense $0,353,187 Awraw CalhNertbgablp <br /> DOt Service $23,7U.246 " a0�1e0 o,amin <br /> Health&Safety Contracts $3.629,597 6oua Nun per Failtl <br /> o-e�ry anar mr r.00e am nen�mm <br /> TOTAL $1%721,030 <br /> Current Expense $89 353 187 <br /> Total Propcted Studerls 20,461 <br /> =Total Per Pupil Allocation $4.367 <br />[OLNTY <br /> Chair Price asked if it is known how excess funding is spent. She asked if some of the <br /> money could have gone somewhere else like a project advance increase, as opposed to <br /> something else. <br /> Travis Myren said there are certain fixed costs that, regardless of actual students, will <br /> still be incurred. <br /> Chair Price asked if there is any accountability on the funds. <br /> Travis Myren said there is accountability to the voters. <br /> Chair Price asked if money is being used for new teachers, and there are 300 students <br /> who do not come, she wonders where the money goes. She said she is not trying to penalize <br /> the school systems, but wants to understand what happens with the money, and if there is any <br /> discussion on its use even if it is just with the County's finance department. <br /> Travis Myren said the County has never explored that. He said this is an average over <br /> the entire year, so there will be some months when there are more or less students, which <br /> accounts for some of the variability. <br /> Chair Price said she was less worried about 30 versus 300 students. <br /> Commissioner Hamilton said the school board is responsible to make sure educational <br /> services are provided to students, and there are a lot of needs. She said there is room for a <br /> broader discussion about money that does not get spent by the schools, like in the fund <br /> balance. She said this is just part of making sure there are sufficient funds to provide education <br /> to the students. She said it may be wise not to focus in on this aspect versus the large fund <br /> balance, which does need to be talked about. She said the schools have to budget based on <br /> DPI because that is how the system works. <br /> Chair Price said she was fine with it, she was just wondering if the County got any report <br /> back. <br /> Commissioner Dorosin said he is not fine with it, and wants to look at it further. He said <br /> this is a discussion about a couple million dollars over recent years. He said the BOCC has a <br /> responsibility as the funding agency to know how the money is being spent and have some <br /> accountability for it. He said he understands the budget is based on the projection of how many <br />