Orange County NC Website
11 <br /> SLIDE #13 <br /> Orange County Funded Student History <br /> M Furled Student F kW V <br /> save <br /> awe <br /> uroo <br /> two <br /> ww <br /> ORANGE courvrr <br /> 13 T2OICf][GfN11iNA <br /> Travis Myren said the OCS ADM has also stayed steady in recent years, the same as <br /> CHCCS. He resumed the PowerPoint presentation: <br /> SLIDE #14 <br /> Budgeted versus Actual Enrollment <br /> qy t.2021 GniilPmieee +2.9+2 +.�3 329 3+.=981L9 <br /> NN-21 12.312 11— WP MADAN <br /> We h_ <br /> N19N 12.Mb 12.210 85 INB9N <br /> 1fF1= <br /> N1d-11 12.411 12.113 W81 p911-9291 <br /> eore..o _ <br /> ery. amei inn �aY1 <br /> n,,N21-Dana P,wded 7.991 low 312 <br /> ?020.2+ 1.991 F.,aA 7Ai4' +W 9dl B1.Bd2A69 <br /> 20,9+0 7.99B lim 30 I'Mo0 <br /> ?0+6+g 7W lei3 +98 591318E <br /> Travis Myren said this slide attempts to show what Commissioner McKee asked about. <br /> He said the budgeted number comes from DPI projection. He said the actual amount for 2020- <br /> 21 is averaged only over five months, which explains the difference. <br /> Travis Myren said Orange County School budgeted versus actual has consistently been <br /> a bit further off than CHCCS. He said this year is an anomaly versus previous years. <br /> Commissioner Dorosin asked if the monetary difference between budgeted and actual <br /> comes back to the General Fund, or if the schools keep it. <br /> Travis Myren said the schools keep the extra money, but additionally, the County does <br /> not provide increased funds if there are more students than budgeted. <br /> Commissioner Dorosin said the actual per pupil allocation would have been more than <br /> the budgeted, because it was spent across fewer students. <br /> Commissioner Fowler said if the schools budgeted for the DPI projection, they may have <br /> already hired extra teachers, and just had a lower student-teacher ratio, but not necessarily <br /> more money. <br /> Commissioner McKee said that may be true, but it has been historically a much lower <br /> actual number versus budgeted number. He said OCS does not have a single year listed <br />