Orange County NC Website
as <br />25 -2aal a /:]die Ncn- <br />(-�(f i g, ( tl �• bw2407 P46E 443 <br />�1�� <br />�sg ' ��; <br />�' I.• <br />„`��i%�'y'y��p�annrrya�W <br />°¢'l��:�E�yi�'�y `�,,','t'��p����i,?gi`��7�; <br />r� <br />QNIvimH1110V�1t! <br />bYlaiaNltiYY1AaTZWtUiSPtlAKll <br />y: ���y��` <br />��p�." <br />��la�y�� <br />,[VL',��.U: Lit• AL�l,' A: 1- 1: In�wPddR+ 8dW4FalMytlm�LUJll377aIGClai <br />�W <br />'�WN+AaMlaat�AY: <br />Policy Statement <br />The policy of the Orange County's Supplemental Relocation Assistance Grant Program will be to <br />provide relocation assistance to homeowners whose primary residence has been destroyed as a <br />result of Hurricane Floyd and whose destroyed home was subsequently purchased in the Orange <br />County Hazard Midgatlon Grant program (HMGP). The purpose of the program is to assist <br />homeowners in purchasing comparable housing and to support other public investment in <br />recovery and redevelopment programs to benefit victims of Hurricane Floyd. <br />Orange County acknowledges that the Supplemental Relocation Assistance Grant Program does <br />not trigger the Uniform Relocation Act, (URA) regulations at 49 CFR 24.2(g)(iv) as this is a <br />volumAry program.. Orange County will provide Supplemental Relocation Assistance to all <br />eligible applicants per the programs Optional Relocation Plnn. This program is designed to Assist <br />families in affording comparable housing. Comparable housing is generally defined as similar in <br />square footage, bedrooms, batlutebms and amenities, and within The corporate limits of Orange <br />County. The County will work to assist homeowners with the purchase of comparable housing <br />that lies outside of the 100 -year floodplain and will provide advisory services to all applicants to <br />aid in their search for safb, comparable housing. <br />General Eligibility and Program Information <br />Applicant Eligibility <br />• Homeowner must be a participant its Orange County's Hazard Mitigation Grant Program <br />(HMGP) buyout and complete t(rc buyout transaction <br />• Homeowner must have been the owner of the damaged home on the date of flooding in <br />September 1999. Homes purchased after the flood are eligible for the buy -out but will not be <br />eligible for this program <br />• Maximum supplement cannot exceed funds needed to purchase new home. <br />• Families are required to occupy %he replacement home for at least ten years to avoid <br />repayment <br />• Maximum deferred loan cnn not exceed the comparable housing cost, unless a specific appeal <br />has been approved. Appeals will be accepted only if no comparable housing can be <br />identified.. <br />• If homeowner has already purchased a replacement home and meets All program <br />requirements, assistance will be provided based on comparability determination and NOT <br />necessarily ou the price oftbe actual replacement home. <br />Any homeowner whose damaged residence is included In the Orange County HMGP meeting the <br />eligibility criteria defined above shell be eligible to apply for assistance through this program. No <br />funds will be disbursed prior to Closing on a replacement home <br />I <br />i <br />