Planning Board minutes - 050521
Advisory Boards and Commissions - Active
Orange County Planning Board
Planning Board minutes - 050521
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Last modified
6/16/2021 10:07:44 AM
Creation date
6/16/2021 10:07:00 AM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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Advisory Bd. Minutes
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Planning Board - 050521
\Advisory Boards and Commissions - Active\Orange County Planning Board\Agendas\2021
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Approved 6/2/21 <br /> 169 <br /> 170 Warren Mitchell: No. Morgan Ridge has been approved. It's gone through the Commissioners and there is no connection <br /> 171 between them. <br /> 172 <br /> 173 Lamar Proctor: Ok, I assume that two subdivisions being build next to each other with no connection and then a year or <br /> 174 two later, they're connected and now there's a traffic issue so I am trying to look out for the people on Jones Ferry who <br /> 175 voiced that concern. Do you think that it will eventually be connected or this is a permanent situation, one is one and the <br /> 176 other is the other? <br /> 177 <br /> 178 Warren Mitchell: Yes, it is and as well, Morgan Ridge already has a direct public road access to Jones Ferry. There are <br /> 179 no plans to connect but if it was connected it wouldn't provide a better access to Jones Ferry. It wouldn't be easier or <br /> 180 faster, it already has a direct connection. The only access to Morgan Ridge is from Jones Ferry Road. <br /> 181 <br /> 182 Lamar Proctor: Do you need the well in Orange County? Could there be a third well in Chatham County? <br /> 183 <br /> 184 Warren Mitchell: There could,yes. I am trying to plan for something that is hard to predict with the well yields. Honestly, <br /> 185 at the neighborhood meeting, I heard there was a concern to the neighbors so I have been thinking about it. It's <br /> 186 understandably concerning if you have a low yield well, if your well is not tapped into a good aquifer,that's concerning that <br /> 187 you don't have enough. Especially if a community well comes in across the street and is pulling 10 or 20 times what you're <br /> 188 pulling off yours. It doesn't have to go in Orange County. I was trying to provide a third well location and maybe I'll have <br /> 189 to find another one in Chatham County. <br /> 190 <br /> 191 Lamar Proctor: I don't know where water and sewer lines are in Chatham; is there any water and sewer close that <br /> 192 eventually, in the future, will hook up to this area or is that not even in the foreseeable future? <br /> 193 <br /> 194 Warren Mitchell: Chatham,just like Orange, does not have any county sewer but their water lines are good. They are just <br /> 195 too far away. They are about 10 miles away, they took some larger roads where higher density was projected and it was <br /> 196 probably too expensive at the time to come out this way. It's not likely to ever make it this far out. <br /> 197 <br /> 198 Lamar Proctor: This looks like a really nice subdivision and I like the way it is constructed as a conservation thing but the <br /> 199 question that the residents asked is what's in it for Orange County? To add to traffic,to have a well so that's my question <br /> 200 to you Mr. Mitchell, is it just progress and just being nice? I am trying to understand what's in it for Orange County. <br /> 201 <br /> 202 Warren Mitchell: Well there's 9 acres of open space but there are no homes being provided, I don't know if that's a good <br /> 203 or bad thing. <br /> 204 <br /> 205 Lamar Proctor: I appreciate your candor, I think people there will hit Jones Ferry and probably come to Carrboro to spend <br /> 206 money so there's that. <br /> 207 <br /> 208 Charity Kirk: One of the community members was asking why this wasn't connected to Morgan Ridge, one of the roads in <br /> 209 Morgan Ridge,why wasn't that planned for? Why are you trying to have a separate road since you are also the same <br /> 210 developer. <br /> 211 <br /> 212 Warren Mitchell: It's different ownership. I was a partner for Morgan Ridge. When Morgan Ridge was approved, there <br /> 213 was a lot of focus on the upland depression swamp/forest in the middle of the property. We changed the layout to <br /> 214 preserve a unique feature in the middle of the property. There were no plans for this subdivision at that time. It was <br /> 215 natural to connect to Phase 1. This road still would have been needed at the time we did this project to get access to <br /> 216 Jones Ferry. <br /> 217 <br /> 218 Charity Kirk: Where would the nearest school be? <br /> 219 <br /> 220 Warren Mitchell: The nearest elementary is Perry Harrison, about 10 miles. The middle school is Margaret Pollard and <br /> 221 the high school is Northwood which is running into Pittsboro. Chatham schools are excellent. It will probably a mix of <br /> 222 family and empty nesters and first time buyers,a little bit of everybody that want to live here. <br /> 223 <br /> 224 Charity Kirk: What is this going to cost Orange County, as far as road maintenance or anything of that nature? <br />
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