Planning Board minutes - 050521
Advisory Boards and Commissions - Active
Orange County Planning Board
Planning Board minutes - 050521
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Last modified
6/16/2021 10:07:44 AM
Creation date
6/16/2021 10:07:00 AM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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Advisory Bd. Minutes
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Planning Board - 050521
\Advisory Boards and Commissions - Active\Orange County Planning Board\Agendas\2021
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Approved 6/2/21 <br /> 113 <br /> 114 Warren Mitchell: Definitely not. <br /> 115 <br /> 116 Whitney Watson: Is the road and the length of the road sufficient to handle traffic from 93 households. <br /> 117 <br /> 118 Warren Mitchell: There's not a lot of homes but DOT would probably require two entrances if they considered it too large <br /> 119 and it's not at that level. <br /> 120 <br /> 121 Whitney Watson: I know Molly said there are no plans for remaining acreages but I'm trying to imagine what might be <br /> 122 placed there and if that is going to impact roadways and traffic in a few years. <br /> 123 <br /> 124 Warren Mitchell: It's the same owner as this property and I'm not aware of any plans he has to sell it. The remaining <br /> 125 property is on a long stretch of Jones Ferry so there are plenty of places to access Jones Ferry. It's not limited like this <br /> 126 piece is for where it can come out. <br /> 127 <br /> 128 Whitney Watson: The application says the HOA will be responsible for managing the public spaces in the 11-acre parcel. <br /> 129 Is the HOA guided by some principles on how it's managed? I would hope the principle of lowest costs is not the one that <br /> 130 guides everything else. <br /> 131 <br /> 132 Warren Mitchell: There will be some maintenance of the landscaping at the entrance and the rest of the open space will <br /> 133 be left natural. The plan is to put a trail network in the open space and have the trail come up into Orange County not all <br /> 134 the way to the entrance but at least to the southern part. The gas line is cleared so that's a good place to have the trail go <br /> 135 throughout the neighborhood and connect to the open space. <br /> 136 <br /> 137 Carrie Fletcher: I live on a natural gas line and maintenance on it is probably every few, maybe 5 years. It's just going to <br /> 138 be an overgrown strip of land? <br /> 139 <br /> 140 Warren Mitchell: No,we're intending to mow it and keep it maintained. <br /> 141 <br /> 142 Carrie Fletcher: When you are no longer the developer? It goes back to the HOA? <br /> 143 <br /> 144 Warren Mitchell: Yes,we'll set that up and have it done and once the houses are done they will keep it mowed. There will <br /> 145 be a trail in the easement as well. A natural trail. <br /> 146 <br /> 147 Lamar Proctor: What's being proposed to protect the perennial stream and does this subdivision in Chatham connect with <br /> 148 Morgan Ridge? <br /> 149 <br /> 150 Warren Mitchell: Yes, the preservation/open space does connect with Morgan Ridge open space. As far as protection of <br /> 151 the perennial stream, all the land in the jurisdictional stream or the stream buffer is the shaded area and the open space is <br /> 152 larger than the stream buffer. All the natural space around the stream will provide protection. <br /> 153 <br /> 154 Lamar Proctor: Is traffic going to evidently connect with Morgan Ridge, I know we're not talking about Morgan Ridge but <br /> 155 it's right next door and the neighbors at the community meeting voiced concerns about Morgan Ridge being built right next <br /> 156 to this one and creating a traffic issue on Jones Ferry Road from all these houses. Looking at a broader map, it seems like <br /> 157 if I were a developer, I'd want access to Jones Ferry Road so I could shoot straight up to Carrboro. If I have to go the <br /> 158 other way, I've got to go the long way around to get to anything. <br /> 159 <br /> 160 Warren Mitchell: Morgan Ridge already comes out at Jones Ferry. The part in back has been approved and it connects to <br /> 161 Phase 1 which is already built and comes out in Chatham just past this enclave on Jones Ferry Road. <br /> 162 <br /> 163 Lamar Proctor: Will there be roads connecting Morgan Ridge and Pyewacket? <br /> 164 <br /> 165 Warren Mitchell: No,there's no road and Morgan Ridge has been approved in Chatham already so there's no access <br /> 166 stubouts that connect the two. <br /> 167 <br /> 168 Lamar Proctor: Is there a plan to connect them? <br />
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