110420 Virtual Planning Board Minutes
Advisory Boards and Commissions - Active
Orange County Planning Board
110420 Virtual Planning Board Minutes
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Last modified
6/15/2021 8:12:37 PM
Creation date
6/15/2021 8:11:29 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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Advisory Bd. Minutes
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Planning Board - 110420 Agenda Packet
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Approved 1/6/21 <br /> 615 area, I've seen absolutely no evidence of any environmental research done. You're talking about building a 24-hour <br /> 616 convenience center on a protected watershed for the Eno River. A river which spans over 40 miles through two separate <br /> 617 counties. If there is water pollution which there most certainly will be, it will not only affect the local ecosystem but will have <br /> 618 long lasting and damaging effects on the ecosystems in and around the Eno River. I have seen no evidence of research on <br /> 619 how light pollution will affect the bird population here or any other local species for that matter. The only research that has <br /> 620 been provided is traffic research done by the developers themselves which states that 32 new trips will be added to the <br /> 621 traffic pattern per minute. We do not have the infrastructure for this. I have a neighbor on Ben Johnson Road that in the <br /> 622 past 15 years has had 10 cars fly off the road into his front yard. Building Buc-ee's will only make my road a more <br /> 623 dangerous road than it already is. Now Beth Trahos says that Efland is quote barely rural, I don't need a lawyer from <br /> 624 Raleigh to tell me about the area I live in. We most certainly do live in a rural area. She also says that in Phase 1 there will <br /> 625 be 175 quote good jobs. Well Beth if you look online you can see that the average Buc-ee's employee rating is lower that <br /> 626 Walmart,Amazon, and all the managerial positions will be outside hires. Efland and Hillsborough are gorgeous,fairly <br /> 627 untouched gems in this region and they should stay that way. Stan considers his project to be growth, I agree with him it is <br /> 628 a growth just like cancer is. My hometown isn't a pit stop Stan Beard. It's where I and tons of other good hard working <br /> 629 folks live. People's first impression of Efland or Hillsborough should not be a Texas owned gas station built on protected <br /> 630 land with a dumbass beaver for a mascot. <br /> 631 <br /> 632 Jacob Foster: I grew up in the Shenandoah Valley in a rural community like Efland near a small town like Hillsborough. <br /> 633 Over the years, I watched as the character of my hometown from fields and forest to friendly neighbors was disfigured and <br /> 634 destroyed by ill-considered development. I have seen giant gas stations like this one carelessly planted in a formerly quiet <br /> 635 spot which quickly grows into a noisy ruin. I came to North Carolina to attend Duke University where I met my future wife. <br /> 636 For the past 20 years, I have been visiting her family farm in Efland. We shared one of our first kisses on a lonely stretch of <br /> 637 country road less than a mile from the proposed Buc-ee's site. That farm and this area have taken me back to the <br /> 638 landscape of my childhood we have built many wonderful memories there wandering the fields with our human,canine and <br /> 639 equine family. Our careers have taken us far away from North Carolina to the concrete desert of Los Angeles yet our <br /> 640 families remain and our regular visits to Efland have been a balm to the city sick soul.We have always cherished the hope <br /> 641 of settling in Orange County and giving our children the same experience we had growing up of nature, the quiet <br /> 642 countryside and small town living where you can spend summer days wandering with friends over fields and down gravel <br /> 643 roads. Buc-ee's threatens that future. It threatens your community. Peace, quiet and a clean environment are your most <br /> 644 precious assets whether from the perspective of lifelong residents or of those seeking a better life away from urban sprawl <br /> 645 like Carrie Fletcher and like me. Those assets will be destroyed. Planning and mitigation cannot restore peace when <br /> 646 thousands of cars and strangers pass through your community every day. They cannot block the diesel, the fumes, the <br /> 647 light pollution and the noise that Buc-ee's will bring to your quiet home. As an independent environmental assessment <br /> 648 would no doubt reveal,they cannot stop runoff and leakage from contaminating the local water, harming wildlife from the <br /> 649 humble spring peepers to the endangered residents of the Eno River. I am not an opponent of progress, change happens, <br /> 650 it must, but where is the Orange County renowned for its sensible progressive approach to local development? Where is <br /> 651 the spirit of care for the environment,the concern for sustainability? Look into your hearts my friends,what is most <br /> 652 precious about your community?What is your greatest asset? What will make Orange County a place that you and your <br /> 653 children and my future children are proud to call home? Is it the world's largest gas station? Or is it taking a stand for the <br /> 654 environment,the planet and for rural America. If you allow this plan to move forward, remember, sooner or later, the day <br /> 655 comes when you can't hide from the things that you've done anymore. I fear that when your car is parked amid a hundred <br /> 656 others at Buc-ee's,you'll look back on this day and wish you had chosen to a stand for your community. I hope you will <br /> 657 take that stand today. <br /> 658 <br /> 659 Caroline Foster: I am a current resident of nearby Durham. My ties to the Efland area are familial. I have spent time with <br /> 660 relatives on their farmland and have taken various trips with community friends as well to explore the wildlife in the area and <br /> 661 it is substantially meaningful to me and also to my children. One of the things that we love most about the region that we <br /> 662 live currently, is that we are not far off from places like Efland and where you can just explore nature. You can come and <br /> 663 take a walk,just view wildlife,and you're not constantly bombarded by massive developments such as what is being <br /> 664 proposed with this Buc-ee's development. It's been extremely critical to me as a parent to raise my children in an area <br /> 665 where they have some access to wild land where they have access to experience nature and respect it and have the <br /> 666 opportunity to live in communities that not only recognize and respect the undeveloped land that they have amongst them <br /> 667 but actually think about how to, if that land needs to be developed as others have mentioned here before me, I am also not <br /> 668 an opponent to progress. However, I think that progress should, if developments need to be built, that the considerations of <br /> 669 what the individuals living nearby actually need are taken into account and that we are also looking on down the road and <br /> 670 thinking about what our children need and what our needs in the moment are as well. What is being proposed here is not <br />
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