Planning Board - 060221
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Orange County Planning Board
Planning Board - 060221
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Last modified
6/15/2021 8:06:32 PM
Creation date
6/15/2021 8:06:24 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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D R A F T <br />in the notification boundary they would be able to speak. I believe their notification radius is 500 feet from the property 448 <br />which is the statutory requirement. Orange County doubles it and goes to 1,000 feet but at the bare minimum it’s 500 feet. 449 <br />[staff note, in retrospect, the distance required by statute was stated incorrectly; state statutes do not require notifications 450 <br />for subdivisions as statutes allow subdivisions to be approved administratively (no public notice required). In cases of 451 <br />zoning changes, state statutes require that abutting property owners receive mailed notification; local regulations can 452 <br />contain a larger notification boundary, as Orange County does.] 453 <br /> 454 <br />Carrie Fletcher: My concern, and I agree with Charity, is that just because technically we call it Orange County and our 455 <br />concern is only with Orange County and we can move the well off Orange County so it’s not our problem; we are talking 456 <br />about a development that concerns Orange County and Chatham County and my concern is with the people buying these 457 <br />homes and making sure they have access to water and that the people around them also have access to water and you’re 458 <br />not cutting off someone’s nose to spite your face just because it’s not our jurisdiction and that we would leave these people 459 <br />high and dry. I agree with what Lucy said about how the aquifers are tapped because that is my problem on my property 460 <br />is that I am going down among different layers of rock not into an aquifer. I was wondering if the developer could give us 461 <br />some kind of preliminary water drilling information as was proposed. I would be very concerned about that and I would like 462 <br />to feel more comfortable about not impacting water availability to neighborhoods nearby. 463 <br /> 464 <br />Charity Kirk: I’m willing to approve it moving forward on the condition that we get more information about the status of the 465 <br />water. I’m willing to potentially have a well in Orange County as long as there’s information about the wells in that area 466 <br />and the quality. 467 <br /> 468 <br />David Blankfard: What I’ve heard so far is we would like the developer to look at headlight beams for the entrance onto 469 <br />Jones Ferry; a traffic study, and the well, water quality and quantity, for wells in this area. 470 <br /> 471 <br />Whitney Watson: The other thing was water conservation measures for the homes. 472 <br /> 473 <br />Lamar Proctor: I’m like, I’m on an Orange County Planning Board and I am bringing detriment to Orange County citizens 474 <br />to increase traffic and water use with no benefit to Orange County. I don’t understand why I would vote for this. I don’t 475 <br />have any incentive to vote for it. I just tell that to Mr. Mitchell, because I appreciate his candor but I want to be candid too. 476 <br />I don’t see what Orange County benefits from this. 477 <br /> 478 <br />David Blankfard: Not to put words in your mouth but didn’t you say that they would be shopping in Carrboro? 479 <br /> 480 <br />Lamar Proctor: That’s not a direct benefit, that’s a potential benefit, some shopping but that comes with detriments. It 481 <br />comes with increased traffic on Jones Ferry; it comes with increased population growth. As Chatham blows up, if Orange 482 <br />doesn’t do anything and it’s just a wall of Chatham along the line, I don’t see how that benefits Orange County in any direct 483 <br />way. Is the property going to be preserved as the rest of the 60 acres? Is there going to be something else, another 484 <br />development with expensive homes that would provide a tax base? Yes, there is potential benefit of going to Carrboro and 485 <br />spending money but once again, that’s going to benefit Carrboro, I don’t know that’s going to benefit Orange County. My 486 <br />constituents are Orange County. I’m trying to look at it holistically but if there is no benefit and Orange County is not 487 <br />getting anything out of it then I don’t have any incentive to vote for it. 488 <br /> 489 <br />Randy Marshall: My only comment is that Orange County is bordered by several different other counties and it is 490 <br />incumbent upon us to be as considerate of developments on the other side of the county line as it is for them to be 491 <br />considerate of Orange County developments so I think this is an implied sharing of responsibility when developments 492 <br />cross county lines. I don’t think we need to be particularly selfish in terms of looking out for only Orange County because 493 <br />there may be times when we want Chatham County or Durham County or Alamance County to give us some slack and 494 <br />help us approve a development that we would like to have in our County. I am not necessarily in favor of going strictly by 495 <br />what is in it for us. I think you could send it for Chatham to decide as many of the issues we brought up today are issues 496 <br />that Chatham County has to deal with because a lot of those issues are not going to be part of the portion of Orange 497 <br />County that being developed. 498 <br /> 499 <br />David Blankfard: I think it benefits Wendell Merritt who is an Orange County resident who going to sell this piece of 500 <br />property and he gets to keep the rest of his property to do whatever he wants to do with it. 501 <br /> 502 <br />15
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