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processing the Buckhorn Area Plan (Study), as well as any subsequent implementation phases. <br />These aspects are outlined in Attachment 5, which was developed to include public outreach <br />and continued coordination with the City of Mebane, including a joint meeting between the <br />governing boards. Staff has also recommended a formal public hearing on the Plan prior to <br />BOCC consideration. The Planning Board would be asked for its recommendations as part of <br />the typical public hearing process as well. <br /> <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: The portion of the study covered by Orange County has previously been <br />budgeted and paid during FY 19-20; there is no financial impact to providing feedback on this <br />study in preparation for the sharing with the BOCC. <br /> <br />RECOMMENDATION(S): The Planning Director recommends the Planning Board: <br />• Receive staff’s presentation; <br />• Accept/Receive the technical study; and <br />• Provide any comments it may have on Attachment 5, which outlines next steps. <br />18