Planning Board - 020321
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Orange County Planning Board
Planning Board - 020321
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Last modified
6/15/2021 8:04:28 PM
Creation date
6/15/2021 8:04:11 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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D R A F T <br />Carrie Fletcher: I think we have different roles so therefore our role here on the Planning Board is totally different than my 336 <br />role on Commission for the Environment so even though they are intertwined, they are a different direction. 337 <br /> 338 <br />Craig Benedict: With the amendments suggested tonight, do you want to make a collective vote on the Board Plan as 339 <br />amended? 340 <br /> 341 <br />Randy Marshal: I had one other thought; I am continually surprised by the number of people who live in economic 342 <br />development areas that are surprised when any development projects occur. Can we reach out to neighborhood groups to 343 <br />educate them on what is allowable within these economic development districts and talk about having a conversation 344 <br />before something comes in so we can be more proactive. Is there a process that would allow us to invite neighborhood 345 <br />groups adjacent to some of these economic development areas to have a conversation or forum? 346 <br /> 347 <br />Craig Benedict: I would say yes, I would agree to that. We could add that to the work plan if the Board wants. Call it 348 <br />Planning 101 Outreach. 349 <br /> 350 <br />Alexandra Allman: You could solidify that with using Facebook to put all that information so anytime anyone is interested 351 <br />they can go to Orange County Planning Department or Planning Board page and all that information is there so they know 352 <br />what is going on up to date on each project. It demystifies what is going on. 353 <br /> 354 <br />Perdita Holtz: If I could address the Facebook issue, from a planning perspective, one of the reasons the Planning 355 <br />Department has not embraced Facebook is because there are rules about what government needs to retain, record 356 <br />retention. It has been some government’s experience that when you start talking about development projects it devolves 357 <br />very quickly. It becomes a question of what, if any posts, you can delete and retaining all the posts that were put there. 358 <br />What happens when someone deletes their own posts? It sounds very simple to do a Facebook page but it isn’t as simple 359 <br />for a government agency that is involved in controversial things. We might be able to put something on our website that 360 <br />people wouldn’t be able to directly comment on but we have talked about Facebook in the past and there are some fairly 361 <br />significant issues with the Planning Department having a Facebook account. 362 <br /> 363 <br />Craig Benedict: It could be that if we do a presentation about Planning 101 in the County, we could YouTube it and have it 364 <br />available online. Let me work on a PowerPoint and bring it to this Board and then how to get that out to the general public. 365 <br /> 366 <br />Randy Marshall: I have one more, there was a lot of discussion about Mobile Home Parks being disrupted for 367 <br />development which would displace large tracts of affordable housing and uproot communities in order to create areas for 368 <br />development. Is that something that we want to look at in terms of affordable housing and affordable housing 369 <br />communities? 370 <br /> 371 <br />Craig Benedict: That can be covered under working with the housing department – affordable and senior housing 372 <br />including co-housing – we could add that under number 9. One of Perdita’s staff has been working with the Housing 373 <br />Department about possible amendments to some of the codes, including mobile homes that could promote their long-term 374 <br />viability. 375 <br /> 376 <br />MOTION by Randy Marshall to approve the Planning Board Annual Report and Work Plan as amended. Seconded by 377 <br />Melissa Poole. 378 <br /> 379 <br />Randy Marshall: Yes 380 <br />Alexandra Allman Yes 381 <br />Kim Piracci: Yes 382 <br />Patricia Roberts: Yes 383 <br />Carrie Fletcher Yes 384 <br />Gio Mollinedo Yes 385 <br />Adam Beeman: Yes 386 <br />Susan Hunter: Yes 387 <br />Melissa Poole: Yes 388 <br />David Blankfard: Yes 389 <br />MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY 390 <br /> 391 <br />13
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