Orange County NC Website
LI(ile River ftagional PoM1 end Neturel Area <br />Draft October 22 BOCC Actions: <br />Future Use and Development of Little River Regional Park <br />On OROber 22, 2001 the 02nge County BOCC discussed taking the fallowing <br />actions with regaM M the Little River Park Atlvisory Comm'Rtee (LRPAC) <br />recommentladons for Ne future use and development of the Little River Regional <br />Park antl Natural Area: <br />L Approve allowing the follmving uses Mat hatl been recommended by <br />Me LRPAC hlking/nature trails, picnic area/shelter, hartl surtace <br />trail/picnic loop, playground, open play meadows, fishing; <br />2. Approve prohibiting the following uses that had been recommentletl by <br />Me LRPAC: nrotorizetl vehicles, hunting, (rearms; <br />3. ARer consitlerable tllscusslon, to approve allowing mountain biking, <br />subjeR ro the mndidons that were recommended by the LRPAC; <br />4. Ask that Durham County BOCC be apprised that a) Orange County <br />WCC has serious reservafions about constructing facilities far <br />horseback riding (but agrees that horseback riding on a designated <br />trail is an allowable use), antl b) Orange County BOCC is intersstetl in <br />allowing both group camping apd individual camping, conditioned on <br />there being an on-site caretaker. Oange County BOCC would Ilke to <br />engage the Durham County BOCC in further discussion about these <br />uses; <br />5. Authorize stag to solicit bitls for a wntractor to develop a ConrRpt plan <br />for Me agreetl-upon proposed park fadlltles with rewgnPoOn of other <br />possible contlitional uses; antl <br />6. AuNOtlze staff to work with Durham County to tlevelop a tl2R <br />interlocal agreement far the Board's review antl tleusion at a future <br />meeting. <br />