<br />well as Native American sites ranging from Archaic to Historic. His Phase III (data recovery
<br />excavation) experience includes Site 31MA165 for the NCDOT and Site 18W0183 for the
<br />Maryland SHA. Site 31MA165 was along-term habitation village of the. Qualla phase and
<br />early to mid nineteenth-century brick clamp with modern farming usage of the land. Site
<br />18W0183 was a colonial farmstead dating to the mid-eighteenth century and included
<br />excavations of a house, two wells, and a privy. His laboratory work includes analyzing and
<br />cataloging, creating databases, and preparing artifacts according to strict criteria
<br />established by the North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, Tennessee, or Maryland curation
<br />guidelines. Other duties consist of background research of reports and site files, as well as
<br />editing reports. Mr. Roberts has.also received a~certificate from ESRI for ARCGIS I and his
<br />other computer skills are Microsoft Office, Access, and Pathfinder Ofi=tce for the Trimble
<br />GeoExplorer CE GPS. His research interests focus on the material culture of the Archaic and
<br />Woodland periods.
<br />Toy, D.
<br />2001 Archaeological inspection of the Old. Carrboro Cemetery, Orange County, NC. Civil
<br />Consultants, Inc., Durham, NC.
<br />1998 Archaeological assessment at the Patterson. Mill Site in the Eno River Park, Orange
<br />County, NC. North Carolina Department of Transportation, Planning and
<br />Environmental Branch.
<br />1995 Archaeological Assessment of St. Mary's Chapel Cemetery, Orange County, NC. The
<br />Committee on,St. Mary's Chapel, Hillsborough, NC.
<br />1993 Archaeological survey report for the replacement of Bridge 101 on SR 1005 over the
<br />Haw River, Alamance and Orange counties, NC. North Carolina Department of
<br />Transportation, Planning and Environmental Branch.
<br />]ay, D., and M. Becker
<br />1999a Archaeological Survey Report. Proposed Orange County Landfill Orange County on
<br />Guess Road, North Carolina. Joyce Engineering, Inc., Greensboro, NC.
<br />1999b Archaeological Survey Report. Proposed Orange County LandfiN Orange County on
<br />Eubanks Road, North Carolina. Joyce Engineering, Inc., Greensboro, NC.
<br />Toy, D., and A. Carruth
<br />2003 Archaealogical Survey for the Proposed 1200-Acre Reservoir North of Shelby in
<br />Cleveland County, North Carolina. Fish & Wildlife Associates, Inc. Whittier, NC.
<br />Stine, L F., and D. ]oy
<br />2001 Cultural Resource Survey of the tittle River Regional Park and Natural Area in
<br />Orange and Durham Counties, Narth Carolina. State Clearinghouse Number CH 01=
<br />C-0000-0141. Orange County ERCD, Hillsborough, NC.
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