Orange County NC Website
i~ <br />archived. Experienced personnel in the photographic/graphics lab provide of qua{ity <br />photographic plates and other illustrations. <br />Legacy maintains or has access to all laboratory and field equipment and vehicles needed to <br />successfully conduct cultural resource investigations. We maintain a core staff of <br />archaeologists and historians, and when needed, can call on other specialists, such as <br />geomorphologists, paocabbon dating and poll naanalys'-s are utilized ascneeded laboratories <br />for tests such as rod <br />Legacy provides~a highly qualified team of archaeologists and historians who specialize in <br />assessing the effects of construction on historic and prehistoric sites. The t_egacy team has <br />many years of experience helping government agencies and private companies comply with <br />state and federal legislation that protects significant archaeological and architectural <br />properties. Over time we have. developed excellent working relationships with regulatory <br />agencies and have become thoroughly familiar with state and federal guidelines that apply <br />to the construction industry. <br />Legacy ,has completed numerous Orange County surveys and accompanyinSt ne a d ]oy <br />satisfactory manner (Joy 2001, Joy and Becker 1999a=b; ]oy 1995, 1993; <br />2001). A list of similar projects, with contact information is in Attachment B. In addition, <br />the Legacy team has initiated volunteer efforts to consolidate archaeological information <br />about historic and prehistoric sites .located within the Eno River Park. <br />As requested in the RFP, an example of Legacy`s recent work for a proposed reservoir in <br />Cleveland County, NC (Joy and Carruth 2003) is included with this proposal. This report <br />details Legacy's archaeological investigations on a 1,200-acre tract of land that resulted in <br />documenting 16 new archaeological sites, which includes three historic mill sites, four <br />historic farmsteads, and two Woodland period campsites. This project report also includes <br />an example of Legacy's GIS/ArcView interface capabilities (see Figure 2 in Appendix A of~the <br />report). <br />The Legacy research team has recorded numerous archaeological sites in the North Carolina <br />Piedmont Region and has identified many as being eligible for the NRHP. The Legacy team <br />has the experience and resources to fulfill this contact with a professional approach., <br />Resumes are included in the proposal as Attachment C. A summary of their experience <br />follows. <br />Deborah'oy has aver 20 years experience conducting archaeological investigations in the <br />Southeast, including cultural resource surveys, site testing and evaluation, data recovery, <br />and construction monitoring. She has an MA from Duke University that focused on Native <br />American Studies and African-American History. Her research interests focus on <br />investigating the interaction of Native American, African American, and White populations in <br />the Historic Southeast, as weN as analyzing historic landscapes, which includes road traces, <br />fords, gardens, and organization of homesteads. <br />Ms. Joy has conducted numerous projects in thL Odfllgon Guess Road, the I ndfill expansion <br />surveys for the once-proposed Orange County <br />on Eubanks Road, the Little River Regional Park, Old Carrboro Cemetery, an assessment of <br />- - Patterson Mill in the Eno River State Park, a survey of the historic St. Mary's Road <br />Cemetery, and a North Carolina Department of Transportation bridge replacement over the <br />Haw River. She is also involved locally with concerns for the preservation of the historic <br />community. She is on the Board of Directors for The Stagville Foundation and chairs the <br /> <br />