Agenda - 11-05-2003-8h
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 11-05-2003
Agenda - 11-05-2003-8h
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9/2/2008 1:16:33 AM
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8/29/2008 10:35:19 AM
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2003 S ERCD - Contract with Legacy Research Associates, Inc. for a Cultural & Archaeological Survey of NHSC Park Property
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\Board of County Commissioners\Contracts and Agreements\General Contracts and Agreements\2000's\2003
Minutes - 20031105
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\Board of County Commissioners\Minutes - Approved\2000's\2003
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i~ <br />® Contributing to our knowledge about prehistoric and historic settlement <br />locations and the exploitation of natural resources for subsistence. <br />® Understanding environmental diversity and adaptation and change of <br />prehistoric and historic groups. <br />The potential of any discovered site to help address these research areas is based on <br />determining the intactness of cultural deposits (integrity), the variety and quantity of , <br />artifacts, the clarity of site stratigraphy and the discreteness of site boundaries, ar-d on-the <br />environmental context of each site. <br />C. FIELD RECONNAISSANCE <br />A limited field reconnaissance will be accomplished throughout the remainder of the <br />property in areas where no construction is planned. A surface walk-over in areas of ground <br />visibility will be conducted. If cultural material is found on the surface; subsurface testing <br />will be implemented as outlined in the previous section. Areas within the property that have <br />a high probability for the presence of archaeological sites will be thoroughly investigated by <br />systematic subsurface inspection. These areas include flat ridgetops and landforms <br />adjacent to water sources. The large pond on the west side of the property is a likely <br />location for prehistoric occupation. Landforms that exhibit more than 15 percent slope are <br />considered to have a low probability for archaeological sites.. Any sites- identified. in the field <br />reconnaissance will be evaluated and recorded as described in the previous section. <br />Since the requirements for this portion of the survey is limited reconnaissance, systematic <br />subsurface testing at 30-rn intervals will not be conducted across the entire property. As <br />planning for the location of project buildings becomes complete, areas chosen for <br />construction activities may require a more intensive investigation. <br />D. DATA ANALYSIS <br />The archaeological materials will be transported to Legacy's Durham facility for processing. <br />The artifacts will be cleaned and catalogued, and the artifact collection from each site will be <br />studied to determine the date or dates of occupations present and the range of activities <br />carried out at each site. The vertical and horizontal distributions of the materials from each <br />site will be studied so that the nature and extent of the site can be better understood. <br />E. REPORTING OF RESULTS <br />"The Orange County ERCD will be informed on a bi-weekly basis as to the progress of the <br />field investigations and reconnaissance, especially as regards the Vincent House property. <br />At the approximate mid-point of the project, a Preliminary Field Report will be made <br />available to the ERCD along with a short presentation to the Northern Human Services <br />Center Park Master Plan Work Group. <br />Upon completion of fieldwork, a Preliminary Field Report (Management Summary) will be <br />provided to ERCD. by November 7, 2003.. The report will detail the results of the <br />background research, fieldwork, and laboratory analysis. The report will be illustrated with <br />photographs and drawings of archaeological sites and artifacts, as needed, and will conform <br />to the reporting standards outlined in the "Guidelines for Preparation of Archaeological <br />Survey Reports, prepared by OSA. This report will provide information on the number and <br />type of sites found during the survey. A cursory description of each site wilt be made along <br />with a determination of potential eligibility for the NRHP. In addition to the report, <br />archaeological site forms will be completed for each recorded site or isolated find. North <br />4 <br />
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