Agenda - 11-05-2003-8h
Board of County Commissioners
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Agenda - 11-05-2003
Agenda - 11-05-2003-8h
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2003 S ERCD - Contract with Legacy Research Associates, Inc. for a Cultural & Archaeological Survey of NHSC Park Property
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\Board of County Commissioners\Contracts and Agreements\General Contracts and Agreements\2000's\2003
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1~3 <br />I. INTRODUCTION <br />This technical proposal has been prepared by Legacy Research Associates, Inc. (Legacy) far <br />conducting an archaeological survey and reconnaissance for the propased 60.5-acre <br />Northern Human Services Center and expanded park facility in Cedar Grove, north of <br />Hillsborough in Orange County, North Carolina. <br />This proposal presents our understanding of the project and the methods we will use in <br />performing these tasks. The proposal is based on the Request for Proposal (RFP) from the <br />Orange County Environment and Resource Conservation Department (ERGO), as well as <br />information about the area from our previous work in Orange County. <br />Legacy proposes to provide the following services as requested. Fallowing background <br />research, the initial stage of fieldwork will be a thorough investigation of the Vincent <br />property, where much of the property will be impacted through the possible construction of <br />a wastewater treatment system. Other areas of interest include the land surrounding the <br />existing ca. 1950s school building, as one construction alternative involves the creation of a <br />wetland in this area for amini-ecosystem to handle wastewater treatment at the facility. <br />The current parking lot around the school building is slated far expansion, also. A limited <br />field reconnaissance will be conducted for the remainder of the property. New facilities will <br />be constructed within the 39-acre tract of land west of the school, but specific locations are <br />yet to be determined. <br />The purpose of the archaeological survey will be to identify the presence and determine the <br />significance of archaeological resources that may be affected by construction of the <br />propased Northern Human Services Center and expanded park facility. No previously <br />recorded archaeological sites have been identified in the vicinity. of the project area. One <br />historic property is located within the project area, the Vincent House and associated <br />outbuildings (OR 846). <br />These pro osed services are pursuant. to the National Historic_Preservation Art of 1966.(as <br />amended), the Archaeologic-afe-nTHistorical Preservation Act of~1974, Executive Order <br />11593, and 36 CFR Parts 660-66 and 800 (as appropriate). The field investigations and <br />technical report will meet the qualifications specified in the Secretary of the Interior's <br />Standards and Guidelines for Archeology and Historic Preservation (Federal Register 48). <br />All cultural materials collected and curated, along with all records of this contract, shall be <br />cared for in accordance with the requirements set forth in 36 CFR Part 79. The Project <br />Manager/Project Archaeologist performing the cultural resource investigations meets or <br />exceeds the qualifications described in the Secretary of the Interior's Professional <br />Qualifications Standards (48 FR 44738-9). <br />All information submitted in the technical report will be factual and sufficiently complete to <br />enable the North Carolina State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) to perform the <br />necessary environmental reviews. <br />__ <br />IL DESCRIPTION OF WOR <br />The cultural resource survey will include the following elements: a) background research; <br />.:._.__ b) field investigations to include a limited surface and subsurface exploration of-the <br />proposed facilities construction area, with a surface and subsurface investigation around the <br />Vincent House and ancillary structures; c) limited field reconnaissance of all tracts of land <br />within the project area; and d) report of the results, which includes ,laboratory analysis and <br />interpretation. . <br />
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