Agenda - 11-07-2001-9d
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 11-07-2001
Agenda - 11-07-2001-9d
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9/2/2008 12:53:40 AM
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8/29/2008 10:35:19 AM
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1d3:1m <br />"Tool Box" for Providing Services to <br />Limped English Pmflclency (LEP) Clients <br />The components Ils[etl below are offered es sugges[etl tools [he[ tlepartmenb may use to <br />accommotlate the needs of non-English or limitetl-English speaking clients. Approaches may <br />very tlapantling upon specific tlepertmerual neetls. <br />1) County Employees <br />Interpreter services may be providetl through County employees as follows: <br />e) Employee whose primary duty is tc provide interpreter services. <br />Implemenm[lon dmetable congngent upon footling of position(s). <br />i) This employee may be hired by a single department or shared among departments <br />who need interprefar services for a major portion of the working day on a tlaily basis. <br />This type of arrengement would be recommentletl primatlly for departments who are <br />rategodzetl in the Policy as a provitler Of 'crRical Services' and by the information <br />compiled in the departmental surveys, indicated a high neetl far interyreter services. <br />Departments seeking to atltl staff for this ipnedon would be subject to the new <br />employee approval carded out as part of the annual butlget process. <br />b) Limdetl inierpreter services provitled by employees on a rotational basis. <br />Implementation achievable wlthln Oscal year 2001-2002. <br />i) Depadments wkh b4lingual employees, who have tlemonstreletl fluency, may <br />participate in an interpreter pool. <br />ii) Employees may be schetluled tluring certain hours of the week to receive rolls from <br />any County department needing interpreter asaialence. This would be particulatly <br />etlventegeoua [o departments with infrequent interpreter neetls. <br />iiiJ Call lists coultl be available on the Intranet so a DepadmeM needing intemreter <br />service could easily access help while the caller wee on the line. (Achievable wlthln <br />60 tlays) <br />W) In order to expectance the least amount of disrup0on in their regular job duties, <br />employees assignetl to offices (as opposed to field personnel) would be moat <br />effective in this capacity. <br />2) Indepentlent contractors. <br />a) Interpreters woultl be expected ro execute a contract whh the County pdor W being used <br />for interpreter services. (CUment practice) <br />b) Intemeters must prove competency to the County's satisfaction poor N being included <br />on the list of available service providers. (Currant precflrs) <br />c) A list of interpreters who may be willinglebla to provitle intemreter services is centrally <br />mainminetl. (Currently maintained within deparbnenls. Centrally meinWinetl <br />information achievable M end of February 2002) <br />tl) Departments needing imeryreier services may wnsult [he list and schedule the <br />interpreter as neetletl. <br />
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