Agenda - 11-07-2001-9d
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 11-07-2001
Agenda - 11-07-2001-9d
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DIUPT <br />Orange County Government <br />Llmitetl English Proficiency (LEP) Policy <br />Orange County is oommittetl to improving the accessibility of cervices to persons with <br />limited English proficiency (LEP) and to developing antl implementing a system that <br />gives LEP persons "meaningful access" to Orenge County progreme and services. <br />Purpose <br />To eliminate or reduce b me maximum extent posslGle limitetl English proFldency as a homer <br />or impetliment is accessing mre service in Orange County Govemment. <br />8ackgrountl <br />There has been atlremehc antl rapltl Influx of new immigianS lmo OrengeCgunrywhd have <br />Limited English.Profldency (LEPj. Forihsse new wmmuniry members language can bee <br />tianier to accessingservices or benefits, urderstantling antl exemASirg their rghts, antl mher <br />Infortnetpn antl that may leave them vulnereble. Remgnivngthis, Orenge.Cquntyhas <br />tlesignatedeliminalGg paMers antl guess to programs andservlces to.Ne LEP community as <br />animpgRanigoal. <br />Atltligpnally.-On.Augum 16,:2000; the Presitlem signed ExecutNeOMer 131 B6; mantlatirg thai <br />al6federel agenciesensure thaLtheyantl their retiplem3 of federel aid improve access b <br />aeMcea ro the LEPpopulellon:-. The aRachetlpollcy waedretted to support thegdal and be in <br />compliance wghihe FF,cecullve OMerantl Its policy implementation guitlanw.-The policy as well <br />es gie Executive ONer provides no new nghts or benefits but clarify existing Title VC <br />reepbnslbflMes end aejfoM the steps aeceaeery to enetire'meamngtul arcess'to services by <br />the LEP mmmdnlN'. <br />In identifying the language assistance indiegves needed that ere conaiafem with the underlying <br />goal of thle policy, h la reasonable to focus on those Departments within Omnge County <br />government Nat have the greatest potential far interaction with the LEP population, that involve <br />vital exchange of information affecting provisions Of service, and that grsnt a benefit or <br />impnaiNOn m s human on the LEP population. Orange County government services can be <br />groupetl inb flue categories basetl generelly on the natum,pumose, and wnsequences miheir <br />interaction with the general public andlpr LEP populations. <br />(A) Departments whose primary mission is lc serve the In[emal management and <br />atlminishative neetls of County government. The interedion of these Departments whh <br />the LEP population is infrequent and secondary to services that they perform. <br />(B) Depanmenm whose mission Is to service the policy neetls m County Govemment. <br />These Departments either are not dependant on their in[eracflon with the public or <br />historical data suggest that [hey have no signiFlCant involvement with the LEP populatien. <br />Tirle VI of IM1e Civil RiOhb Ad ^(1066 proni0lra renpients Mrederal fnancisl amislanw (rwn discliminaling against <br />or oGlerwise exclutling Intlividuela on Ne basis of raw, cola, wwtimel arlgln In any of tM1elradlvXka Section fAt <br />of Title VI, 42 V.SL. § 2W6d. <br />
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