Agenda - 11-07-2001-9d
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 11-07-2001
Agenda - 11-07-2001-9d
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3) Telephone Interpreter Services. (Such es the AT &TServlee) <br />a) The Department of Emergency Management hsa eetabliahed an account for interpreter <br />services through AT & T antl makes i[ avatlable to any County tlepartmenf who may <br />choose to utilize 0. Departments desiring to utilize the service shoultl seek information In <br />advance from Dinah Jeifdes, Emergency Management Department a[ 988-2050. <br />(CUment practice) <br />4) 3panishGreeting Voice Mailbox. (Achievable by antl of February 2002) <br />a) A voice mailbox would be asteblishetl exclusively for Spanish apeaking only Glente- The <br />greeting would be in Spanish antl invite the caller to leave a message so someone court <br />call them back wbhin a limited periotl pf time (perhaps by the next bueineee day). <br />Instructions for calling in case of emergenq would be pad of the voice mail message, so <br />response [c tme emergencies coultl be adtlressetl immediately: <br />b) The messages would be picked up end Me irdortna0on treneferretl to the appropriate <br />service provitler. This coultl be accomplishetl through cmren[ employees who may <br />rotate the service duty antl/or an independent contrector that the County may choose to <br />seleG. <br />c) Thia methotl of communication woultl be usetl when no other in[eryreter services could <br />be Immetllately accessetl. I[ Is deslgnetl as a safety net for LEP dlents seeking service, <br />Cut not as fretline wmmunication. <br />S) WriHen Protocols antl Treinirp. (Achievable by antl of FY 2001-2002) <br />a) It is important that departments establish departmental protocols as it respects how <br />intepreter services ere tm be utilized pursuant to the individual departmental neetls. For <br />example, the Health Department will assure themaelvee that the Interpreter retelnetl [o <br />interpret medical information has tlemonstratetl ability to do so a¢uretely prior to their <br />being used by the Department To avoid contusion among employees, these protocols <br />shoultl be in writing and the appropriate tlepertmentel personnel trelnetl to their use. <br />b) Depadments seeking examples of pclicies antl procetlures far interpreter services may <br />wish to coneidar the "Drenge County Heahh Depatment Policy and Procetlures for <br />Interpreter Services", which is available upon request to the Health Dire Mr'e oifics. <br />
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