Orange County NC Website
Project Start Date <br />(no earlier than July <br />1, 2020) <br />January 15, 2021 <br />Project End Date (no <br />later than June 30, <br />2021) <br />March 1, 2021 <br />Project/Program <br />Summary <br />Ev eryone, not just those who can afford it, deserv es the chance to <br />dev elop their v oice and tell their story. In today’s climate, with <br />stressors such as the pandemic and the economy, more people than <br />ev er can benefit from the catharsis and freedom of accessing a safe <br />space in which to write their narrativ e. To that end, Arshia Simkin and <br />myself, two North Carolina-based writers and educators, want to offer <br />a creativ e writing class to students who come from nontraditional <br />backgrounds or marginalized identities. The class will be held on <br />Zoom (Arshia and I hav e extensiv e Zoom-teaching experience, <br />stretching back to the beginning of the pandemic) and we will spend <br />fall 2020 identifying interested students for the course, which will then <br />run for six weeks starting in January 2021. In order to identify <br />students for the course, we will network with well-connected <br />community members and organizations with whom we’v e worked in <br />the past, including educator and writer Belle Boggs; Flyleaf Books; <br />Epilogue Books; and more. <br />W e would use the money from the grant to pay for Arshia’s and my <br />time teaching, planning, and executing this program, as well as for a <br />small marketing budget for the program. <br />Community Impact W e will inv ite eight students to participate in the course. W e are <br />committed to identifying students who cannot afford to pursue <br />creativ e writing courses that cost money, as well as students who <br />hail from marginalized gender or racial identities. <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: B3449B03-6268-408B-B4EC-3D4F64FF9325