2020-747-E-Arts Commission-NC Arts in Action
Board of County Commissioners
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2020-747-E-Arts Commission-NC Arts in Action
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Last modified
6/14/2021 12:07:43 PM
Creation date
6/14/2021 12:07:32 PM
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associate of the National Dance Institute (NDI) in New York, the <br />program is directed at dev eloping life skills such as self-esteem, <br />teamwork, and focus among students, particularly those who are <br />underserv ed. W e prov ide dance teaching from trained instructors, <br />liv e music, and allow students rigorous exercise. NC AIA benefits 14 <br />schools across Durham, Orange, Chatham and W ake counties and <br />directly serv es more than 1,400 children this year. <br />NC AIA works with ev ery child in the fourth grade at each school. A <br />Lead Teacher/Choreographer, Musician, and Assistant Teacher lead <br />ev ery class. NC AIA reaches div erse low-income communities, and <br />its partner schools are Title I. Since 2005, NC AIA has reached ov er <br />10,400 North Carolina students through direct instruction. More than <br />just another dance education program, NC AIA motiv ates children to <br />believ e in themselv es, prov ides an env ironment with professional <br />expectations, yet the nurturing and encouragement to dev elop a <br />personal standard of excellence. Teachers report that students who <br />struggle in a traditional classroom gain confidence and increase their <br />ability to focus. <br />Implementing NC AIA in Title I schools is in direct response to a <br />community need. School administrators believ e that the NC AIA <br />program enhances student learning. Rashkis’ program assists its <br />underserv ed population. Rashkis has 465 children with these <br />demographics: 24% are Asian; 10% are Hispanic; 13% are Black; 47% <br />are W hite; 0.5% are American Indian; and 6% are two or more races, <br />and 30% participate in the Free and Reduced Lunch program. Our <br />staff of 4 full time and 11 contract employees includes 1 Hispanic, 4 <br />Black and 10 white employees. Our board of 14 includes 2 Hispanic, 2 <br />Black, and 10 white members, and one member of the LGBT <br />community. <br />NC AIA uses dance and music to define a standard of excellence <br />through activ e mov ement, intellectual stimulation and artistic <br />expression to build essential life skills children can carry into school <br />and throughout life. The program’s distinctiv e features are using <br />dance as a medium to teach life skills; professional teaching artists <br />trained in the NDI pedagogy teach the children; and an accompanist <br />plays liv e music in ev ery session! NC AIA’s expertise is teaching <br />children how to find excellence in themselv es and enhancing their <br />learning experience. <br />Our program will be launched as a liv e online classes through Zoom <br />for Rashkis and other schools this Fall. Teaching artists will use a <br />v ariety of online teaching tools and working closely with our school <br />partners to dev elop an effectiv e plan that utilizes social distancing <br />for this school year. Our team is dedicated to prov ide quality <br />programming for all of our students during this time of uncertainty. <br />Our program will begin in September as a 16 session once a week <br />program that will culminate in a liv e final performance on Google <br />Meet. <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: 59E3910D-F8AD-4560-94EE-2F65304A3A11
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