Orange County NC Website
Location Description This project seeks funding for NC Arts in Action’s program at Mel and <br />Zora Rashkis Elementary School, located at 601 Meadowmont Lane in <br />Chapel Hill. The NC AIA in-school residency is an inclusiv e program <br />that prov ides all children, regardless of talent, abilities, or special <br />needs, the opportunity to dance and perform. In NC AIA, children with <br />disabilities and non-disabled peers dance in partnership, with the <br />goals of maximizing participation and challenging ev ery dancer to <br />achiev e their best through teamwork, creativ ity, empathy, and <br />discov ery. <br />Many dance steps in NC AIA hav e been adapted to work for all <br />children. For example, if a child is in a wheelchair, instead of doing a <br />plié in eight counts (a mov ement in which a dancer bends the knees <br />and straightens them again), he or she can roll the chair forward and <br />back in eight counts. Other techniques the program uses for working <br />with children of all abilities successfully include: v isual aids, taking <br />time to allow for solo demonstration, breaking the class into smaller <br />groups, and improv isation. Ev ery fourth grader at Rashkis, including <br />those who hav e limited proficiency in English, those receiv ing special <br />education serv ices, and those with physical limitations, will <br />participate in the residency. <br />Fourth graders will present their final performance for parents, the <br />entire school and the community in a liv e final performance on <br />Google Meet. <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: 59E3910D-F8AD-4560-94EE-2F65304A3A11