2020-743-Arts Commission-Hillsborough Arts Council
Board of County Commissioners
Contracts and Agreements
General Contracts and Agreements
2020-743-Arts Commission-Hillsborough Arts Council
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Last modified
6/14/2021 12:05:05 PM
Creation date
6/14/2021 12:04:57 PM
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How will you evaluate <br />whether or not your goals <br />have been met? <br />The Personnel Committee conducts bi-annual performance rev iews of the Executiv e Director. Criteria for <br />assessment are based on the job description for the position which includes organizational leadership, program <br />ov ersight, and general administrativ e duties. A rev iew of ongoing and completed projects, fundraising success, <br />program growth, and related outcomes is also included. These rev iews hav e created important benchmarks for <br />progress of the organization’s growth and the dev elopment of the ED. Since 2018, the newly formed position of <br />ED continues to dev elop as important functions are identified and the ED’s skills are refined. <br />In addition to the ov erall performance goals of the ED, COVID-19-related benchmarks have also been added. <br />These benchmarks include careful ov ersight of the financial and analytics reporting to ensure efforts being made <br />by HAC are reaching their maximum potential while carefully adhering to budget restrictions created by the <br />pandemic. <br />HAC usually makes use of practical and effectiv e measures to determine program success and goal achiev ement. <br />The usual measures, based on audience size at events, number of students participating in school-related <br />programs, sales at the HAC Gallery and Gift Shop, and number of activ e v olunteers, may hav e limited relev ance <br />during the pandemic. In accordance with guidelines and in the interest of safety, gatherings are v ery limited and <br />largely forced to take place v irtually, the HAC Gallery and Gift Shop has limited shopping hours, and instruction at <br />the local school district may be entirely v irtual. Howev er, HAC‘s audience is growing rapidly online, with an <br />av erage increase of 36% of followers across all social media and e-mail platforms last fiscal year. Through <br />strategic marketing and use of social media platforms we expect that growth to continue through the pandemic <br />and beyond. Online audience metrics allow us to carefully track and analyze the success of our v irtual programs <br />and to continue to refine them to promote growth and sustainability for of the organization. <br />W e will continue to use targeted fund-raising efforts through the website, email, and postal mail. Of course, fund <br />raising is not a direct means of assessing program success but it can serv e as an indirect indicator of audience <br />satisfaction and interest in our programs. <br />How do you promote and <br />publicize the work of your <br />organization? <br />HAC’s promotions and publicity are under the direction of the Marketing Committee and are implemented by the <br />Executive Director. Publicity efforts include program-related posts on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter with <br />targeted paid boosts for special events and programs. Press releases and announcements are shared with an <br />extensive local and regional media contact list as well as through HAC’s e-newsletter and postings on the HAC <br />website. In addition, adv ertising is purchased on WUNC as well as other local print and online media sources that <br />best apply to a particular program. <br />HAC is working to improve our “brand” recognition through a v ariety of projects that increase program v isibility <br />and promote a connection between HAC’s programs and the organization itself. These include: the creation and <br />sale (or giv eaway) of branded items; additional collaborative ev ents including “She Changed the World” with <br />Alliance for Historic Hillsborough Partners, “Pass the Hat” with W HUP FM and Nash Street Tav ern and others; and <br />increased one-on-one contact with our local businesses partners and other merchants. <br />The pandemic has caused few changes in our marketing plan which relies heav ily on online resources, calendars, <br />and paid boosts on social media. Because of the shift to virtual ev ents in the latter half of 2020, these marketing <br />strategies hav e successfully supported our new programs. <br />Please describe efforts by <br />your organization to generate <br />revenue. <br />HAC generates rev enue in a v ariety of ways, all of which are continually assessed and adjusted as needed. <br />Revenue is brought in through the Gallery and Gift Shop in which HAC takes a small commission for items sold. <br />Artists are chosen based on their local connection, uniqueness, and the salability of their artworks. <br />HAC’s programs commit an agreed upon percentage of funds earned. Though this v aries by program, each <br />supports HAC with 10% to 15% of earned net rev enue each fiscal year and Riv er Park Concert gives 100% of net <br />rev enue. The remainder of funds raised by a program supports future iterations of that program. HAC continues <br />to seek ways to improv e and expand programs to create greater financial independence and sustainability, <br />increase audience size, and expand support from local merchants and restaurants. <br />Each year, grants, municipal contracts, and sponsorships are received and designated in a v ariety of ways to <br />programs and the general fund. In addition, HAC raises funds annually through direct donor solicitations including <br />monthly giving, a major gifts program, and investment giving. <br />Howev er, as mentioned prev iously, this pandemic year, 2020, promises to be a very difficult one for nonprofit fund <br />raising. The direct donor solicitation program will be expanded and enhanced this fiscal year. Research on fund <br />raising indicates clearly that a scheduled monthly giv ing program is a v ery effectiv e method of improving the size <br />and frequency of donations. W e plan to increase the number of monthly donors. In addition, we are initiating a <br />program to increase the number of donors making large donations. <br />NOTE FOR PANELISTS Only requests for program/project funds need to submit a program/project budget. Requests for operating funds <br />should be ev aluated using the organization's financial docs submitted under "Organization Information." <br />Resumes of artists/administrators <br />Mishoe_-_Resume.pdf <br />Board of Directors List <br />Board_Contact_Info_7-31-20.pdf <br />IRS Tax Exemption <br />Tax_Exemption_Letter_Hillsborough_Arts_Council.pdf <br />Publicity Samples <br />half_page_flyer.jpg <br />1_final_inside_2020.pdf <br />1_final_outside_2020.pdf <br />Back_with_a_new_plan__Hillsborough_Arts_Council_prepares_to_launch_programs_with_v <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: 272BCC8F-92B2-46D2-BE9B-3765A91AF9FA
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