2020-743-Arts Commission-Hillsborough Arts Council
Board of County Commissioners
Contracts and Agreements
General Contracts and Agreements
2020-743-Arts Commission-Hillsborough Arts Council
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Last modified
6/14/2021 12:05:05 PM
Creation date
6/14/2021 12:04:57 PM
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Deficit/Surplus Fiscal Year (FY) 209-2020 ended with a deficit as a result of unexpected lost rev enue due to the COVID-19 <br />pandemic. The budget for FY20-21 was revised to incorporate the expected losses due to continued gathering <br />restrictions and limitations caused by the pandemic. Expenses for FY20-21 hav e also been adjusted to <br />accommodate for lost rev enue in the upcoming months; HAC expects FY 20-21 to be a nearly ev en with the help <br />from this OCAC grant funding; this budget assumes all restrictions will last into calendar year 2021. <br />Fundraising and sponsor solicitation will continue through this fiscal year, with additional resources and requests <br />being made to help correct the deficit that was incurred in FY 19-20. Howev er, we don’t anticipate a full recovery <br />from the FY 19-20 losses until the pandemic has ended and we are able to function fully with in-person <br />programming again. <br />PROJECT/PROGRAM <br />INFORMATION <br />Tell us about your project or program <br />Title of Grant Request Hillsborough Arts Council Salary Support <br />Grant Amount Requested $5000 <br />Is the person in charge of <br />this program or project <br />different from the Authorizing <br />Official? <br />No <br />What are you requesting <br />funding for? <br />Operational expense (arts organizations ONLY) <br />Request Summary This application requests support for the full-time Executive Director (ED) position to ensure continuation of the <br />ED’s important role in maintaining a high lev el of educational arts programming and outreach opportunities for the <br />Hillsborough community. The specific areas of operations the ED is responsible for include: planning, <br />coordinating, developing, promoting, and ev aluating HAC’s twelv e arts-related programs. These programs create <br />free, arts-oriented educational and creativ e opportunities for the community, encourage widespread participation, <br />and promote access and inclusivity. <br />During the challenging months of the COVID-19 pandemic, the ED has led the board and program leaders in the <br />creation of new initiatives, and adaptation of existing plans, and dev elopment of new plans. The ED is more <br />important than ev er as the HAC nav igates uncertain times and unexpected and rapid changes impacting arts- <br />oriented non-profits and local businesses in Orange County. Consistent and strong leadership is needed to <br />ensure the sustainability and longev ity of the HAC during and after the COVID-19 crisis. <br />Organizational Goals The Executiv e Director is directly involv ed in planning and support of all organizational and program goals and <br />ensures that both administrativ e and financial goals are met. HAC’s primary goals focus on ways to increase <br />involv ement in educational and enrichment opportunities through the arts in Hillsborough and the surrounding <br />communities. The target audiences for these programs include: the general population, schools, senior centers, <br />community centers, and other nonprofit groups and organizations. HAC’s goals are achiev ed through a v ariety of <br />ev ents and programs aimed at engaging audiences, connecting with and supporting artists, and fostering an <br />appreciation for the arts in Hillsborough. This includes an ongoing effort to increase audience div ersity and <br />inclusion of all populations that make up the Hillsborough area and greater Orange County. <br />The COVID-19 pandemic has led to unprecedented challenges that affect HAC’s ability to meet its primary goals. <br />Although these obstacles hav e not altered the primary objectives of the organization, we have had to make some <br />alterations to adapt to the rapidly changing pandemic env ironment. HAC’s short-term strategy has been rev ised <br />to meet the impact of the pandemic on the Hillsborough community through the re-design of existing programs, <br />addition of new initiativ es, increased fundraising activ ity through multiple channels, and the creation of a strategic <br />marketing plan to promote growth or, at least, our survival under these difficult circumstances. <br />W e can all agree that 2020 is going to be a most difficult year for nonprofit organizations. HAC, like many other <br />nonprofits, has lost major sources of rev enue due to the restraints on gathering imposed by the health hazards of <br />the pandemic. In addition, many of our donors hav e experienced sev ere financial setbacks due to unemployment <br />and rev enue lost to their businesses. Despite the fact that we face an existential threat, HAC will continue to fund <br />raise, modify programs, and create new programs. An infusion of grant money will be extremely helpful as we <br />ev olve what may be a v ery different env ironment for nonprofits. We do hav e an adv antage. We are artists, we are <br />creativ e, we like to innov ate, and we are used to challenges. Funding for leadership and program development will <br />help us meet our primary goals of art promotion and enrichment of our community through the arts. <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: 272BCC8F-92B2-46D2-BE9B-3765A91AF9FA
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