Orange County NC Website
How do you promote <br />and publicize the <br />work of your <br />organization? <br />FRANK promotes and publicizes the work of our gallery through a <br />v ariety of means, mostly using av ailable free promotion <br />organizations. Our website is continuously updated to increase <br />v iewership through our artist’s pages, v ideos, v irtual exhibit, and our <br />online shop. <br />The gallery is back to its regular schedule of changing the exhibits <br />ev ery two months, and we hav e made a Showcard promoting the four <br />featured artists and mailed it to our 800 constituents. W e regularly <br />submit our ev ents/exhibits to the OCAC and INDY magazine websites. <br />W e also send regular e-blasts to ov er 3000 people who hav e signed <br />up for our emails. Our emails hav e links directly to our website as well <br />as to other organizations we are/were promoting such as PORCH. <br />W e also submit 4-7 Instagram and Facebook posts weekly and pay <br />for sponsored boosts in order to place our posts in front of a larger <br />audience. During shut-down we created our own Instagram campaign <br />called #FRANKathome showcasing the artwork that customers hav e <br />purchased and hav e hanging in their homes as a way to highlight <br />and celebrate customers. <br />W e also work with journalists and editors from Chapel Hill Magazine <br />and the Daily Tar Heel for articles about our ev ents and updates from <br />our gallery. <br />The gallery had been doing monthly posts with ArtGuide Magazine <br />Online. Unfortunately that website did not surv iv e the tribulations of <br />COVID and is now shut down. <br />Please describe <br />efforts by your <br />organization to <br />generate revenue. <br />Almost as soon as the decision was made to close the gallery down <br />in mid-March we created an online, v irtual exhibit in order to show the <br />public the beautiful new exhibit that had just been set-up 5 days prior <br />to closing. W e then quickly created an online shop, with 20% of the <br />proceeds going to local organization PORCH. The shutdown pushed <br />us to open the online shop and it is something that we will keep up <br />going forward, with regular updates with new work. Our gallery <br />manager then arranged for non-contact pick-up of purchased works <br />from artists which, in turn, were deliv ered to customers. W e also <br />shipped sev eral pieces of art out of state. Because the post lock <br />down opening date seemed ambiguous the gallery then made a <br />request from our constituents for donations in order to assist with <br />some immediate expenses. W e also applied for $10,200 PPP under <br />the Emergency Cares Act which we receiv ed and also for support <br />from the Orange County Arts Commission's Relief Fund from which <br />we receiv ed $1000. <br />Since re-opening the gallery in July, we hav e been promoting the fact <br />that we are now open again with shorter hours and the fact that we <br />are also offering priv ate gallery v isits by appointment. Throughout <br />the onset of COVID 19 restrictions our gallery manager has stayed in <br />regular contact with customers and taken ev en opportunity to <br />generate sales. Furthermore, by continuously promoting work <br />through e-blasts and social media we hav e been able to maintain our <br />presence v irtually, with little lapse, consequently maintaining our <br />relev ance with the public. Despite the fact that since re opening we <br />hav e had a significant decrease in foot traffic we hav e had an <br />increase in sales from June and July 2019 v s June and July 2020. <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: 060238A0-9372-4481-BC57-ECCBD1F06A8B