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for this show. <br />The BASEMENT team aids artists in all stages of installing exhibitions <br />including transporting artwork to the space and prov iding <br />indiv idualized installation support. Before each show, we return <br />BASEMENT to pristine condition by repairing and painting walls, <br />adjusting lighting, and acquiring equipment as needed. A clean <br />space allows the featured artists to document their work to build their <br />portfolios for future opportunities. In addition to our labor, we wish to <br />prov ide artists with a modest honorarium for their participation as <br />well as funds to cov er the costs of transporting work to BASEMENT. <br />If COVID-19 restrictions remain, we will limit our audience size and <br />increase v irtual programming. <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: AD7B27F2-795B-4B6F-90F1-521AA8752A69