Orange County NC Website
will assist me monetarily and with submission of pictures and v ideo. <br />If the buildings are av ailable and the pandemic is under control, we <br />would host the documentary debut at either Central High or the <br />W hitted Building in Hillsborough, for seating of 200-300 people. <br />Time line <br />September 30-Nov ember 30 <br />• Completion of Interv iewing <br />December 1- March 15 <br />• Rev iewing all interv iews and documenting clips that will be <br />used in the documentary. <br />• Determining pictures and B roll to include with interv iews <br />• Making an Outline of clips w/specifics pictures and B Roll <br />March 16-May 30 <br />• W riting the Script for the narrator & editing v ideo <br />Alerting News Media and Inv itations to Debut <br />May 30-June 5: Documentary Debut <br />Community Impact The Northern Orange Community of Hillsborough and all liv ing <br />graduates of Central High School, who now liv e all ov er the country, <br />will no doubt hav e the strongest emotional ties to the documentary. <br />They were the ones who attended Central and who ultimately felt that <br />they had lost their school heritage in the closing of Central High. A <br />few years before desegregation, they had lost the driv ing force in the <br />personage of Principal A. L. Stanback. From the early 40's until 1964, <br />Mr. Stanback and his wife, Catherine, had been piv otal in the growth <br />and building of Central High School. Like the phoenix, Mr. Stanback <br />rebuilt the school when it burned, going from 400 students to 1200, <br />adding a gym, cafeteria and library. <br />W hites of Orange County will also be expected to be a part of the <br />greater community v iewing this documentary, for they, like blacks, <br />learned through their work and play with each other, especially <br />through sports, what it took to make school desegregation work, <br />thus making school desegregation the prototype for segregation <br />county-wide. <br />Hopefully, the documentary will inspire the school board, city council, <br />commissioners, and entrepreneurs in Hillsborough to v isualize the <br />need to make Central a historical landmark by gifting the school <br />building to the black community. community. That would not only be <br />a gift to Central’s alumni and their families, but also a gift to the <br />Hillsborough Community at large because it would become a <br />permanent historical marker, representing how all things came <br />together. <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: 26256A8B-377F-4012-A913-2B9A66298B30