Orange County NC Website
Artist Experience W ith an intention to strengthen the creativ e connectiv e tissue for <br />residents of Orange and Durham Counties, the Dig In art salon began <br />in 2019 as a series of liv ing room gatherings. Organized collectiv ely, <br />there were six salons, each hosted by a different artist, bringing <br />together about 50 div erse curators, writers, dancers, <br />choreographers, poets, musicians, journalists, UNC faculty, UNC <br />students, puppeteers, non-profits, performance and v isual artists. <br />Approximately 20 artists attended the last salon in CJ Suitt’s <br />backyard in early March 2020. Apparent in that discussion was the <br />need for NC-based artists to hav e more time and resources to come <br />together, really get to know each other, and begin new collaborations <br />while supporting each others’ current practices and presentations. <br />This would be an effort to forge new pathways outside of current <br />institutions and typical methods, in order for more and new v oices to <br />be heard. Suitt was just about to make these gatherings a bi-monthly <br />ev ent during his Spring poetry residency, when COVID-19 became a <br />real global threat. The lockdown prev ented so much, including these <br />participants from creating time and space to hav e more discussions <br />and make new partnerships. In June, when public outrage and <br />protests were gathering depth and momentum, the opportunity to <br />secure a physical location for the salon popped up. <br />Each co-organizer brings a rich experience to this arts emergence. At <br />the heart and intersection of their collectiv e building mission/plan for <br />the space is their prev ious social practice, activ ism, community <br />organizing, teaching, performing, creating art, and presenting <br />performances. <br />PROJECT/PROGRAM <br />BUDGET <br />Please fill out the charts below with your project's expenses and <br />income. Use the "Explanation" box to offer details for each category. <br />NOTE: The Total Cash Expense must equal the Total Cash Income. <br />Budgeted Expense <br />b6ef5a8e-d3ac-4e3a-aafe-43eeb298ce70.xlsx <br />Budgeted Income n/a <br />Resumes of artists/administrators <br />Ginger_W agg_CV.pdf <br />CJ_Suitt_CV.pdf <br />Publicity Samples <br />Marketing_for_The_Dig_In_art_salon_.pdf <br />Rev iew_Indy_W eek_W agg_2018.pdf <br />Prev iew_Indy_W eek_W agg_2016.pdf <br />Press_Daily_Tar_Heel_Suitt_2020.pdf <br />Press_Indy_W eek_Suitt_2011.pdf <br />W ork Samples <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: 04F7864C-78AF-46A9-A761-F6B122B23163