Community Impact The Dig In is a space for local artists to make and share art, in a way
<br />co-organizer CJ Suitt describes as “mov ing at the speed of trust”.
<br />For participants, artists, and audiences, this means that discussion,
<br />critical thinking, and resource sharing can emerge as a result of
<br />gathering in conv ersation with and listening to the space. This
<br />attention will allow The Dig In to ev olv e, so it continually serv es the
<br />creativ e pursuits of the residents of Orange County. Participants
<br />include local poets, writers, musicians, performers, activ ists, arts
<br />administrators, v isual artists, interactiv e artists, installation artists,
<br />puppeteers, playwrights, dance artists, choreographers, graffiti
<br />artists and podcasters. W hat began as a series of meetings, is now
<br />also a space where artists can meet frequently to hold discussions,
<br />share resources, and hav e a platform for making and presenting art.
<br />The Dig In can host all kinds of performances and exhibitions, poetry
<br />readings, DJ sessions, v ideo screenings, art talks, panels, tutorials,
<br />workshops, rehearsals, and v ideo shoots.
<br />The Dig In is located on the second Friday art walk path and we are
<br />excited to participate in the future, by hosting ev ents, receptions, art
<br />talks, and discussions on creativ e practices and social justice.
<br />W hen v isitors arriv e they immediately see a sign with a v ersion of our
<br />ev olv ing mission statement. As it solidifies, we will update and create
<br />more permanent signage. “This is an EMERGENT ART and
<br />PERFORMANCE space, to gather together, to create, and collectiv ely
<br />build. A place to listen, critically think, and discuss what’s important
<br />to us. A space to strengthen our v ision, each other’s hearts and our
<br />relationships to what art can achiev e. Open time helps us imagine
<br />then create what’s possible - to expand, to transform.”
<br />Once a casual gathering, this project now has a chance to ev olv e
<br />into a rooted place. Candid conv ersations can giv e way to collectiv e
<br />building and re-building of what artists and activ ists can offer
<br />themselv es, each other, and the public. As we continue and expand
<br />upon our prev ious artistic and social practices work, we also want to
<br />take part and learn from the numerous discussions currently
<br />happening nationally, about the importance of inv esting in artists and
<br />artist-run spaces.
<br />Also part of The Dig In’s current public component is following up-to-
<br />date local and state health and safety guidelines, including limited
<br />capacity ev ents, face cov erings, and social distancing.
<br />DocuSign Envelope ID: 04F7864C-78AF-46A9-A761-F6B122B23163