Agenda - 08-16-2005-5o
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 08-16-2005
Agenda - 08-16-2005-5o
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CAPS Interoperable Communications Technology Grant Program <br />COPS Interoperable Communications Technology <br />Grant Program <br />Program Description <br />The COPS Office received up to $90 million to award technology grants for the <br />enhancement of inferoperabie commuhjcations across the nation The COPS FY 2005 <br />Interoperable Communications Technology Grant Program will be coordinated with the <br />Office of Justice Programs, the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), <br />and SAFECOM, a program in the Office of Interoperability and Compatibility The program <br />will be open to bosh voice and data Interoperabilityprojacts <br />One of the major issues facing the emergency services sector is the inability of emergency <br />service workers, including traditional "Orst responders," to communicate with one another <br />when the need arises These emergency first responders have Idng been defined-as the <br />"first arriving organized responders with the capability and mission to contain, mitigate, <br />and resolve the emergency at hand "' Their effective and efficient emergency response <br />requires coordination, communication, and sharing of vital Information among numerous <br />public safety agencies As articulated in the National Strategy for the Physical Protection <br />of Critical InfrasWctures and Key Assets,'mostsystems supporvngemergency resporse <br />personnel, however, have been specifically developed and implemented with respect io <br />the unique needs of each agency"' Sdch specification without consideration of the need <br />for interoperability complicates the ability of those agencies to effectively communicate <br />with others in the future This fact is echoed by the public safety community in the National <br />Task Fome on Interoperabllityceport Why Can'f We Talk? Working Together To Bridge the <br />Communications Gap To Save Uves' <br />Effective information sharing between law enforcement agencies is critical to protecting <br />our communities from traditional crime and violence, and far investigafing, preventing, and <br />responding to terrorist threats As stated by the Integrated Justice Information Sharing <br />(IJIS) Ins6lute, "During the past 30 years, the lack of standards for linking justice <br />infdmiation systems has been responsible far a substantial part of the high costs involved <br />wish information exchange and has contributed signiilcan0y to the associated difficulties <br />of exchanging information between justice agencies °' <br />For many years, law enforcement agencies have had to rely on information systems <br />developed by companies using propdetary telecommunications and data standards <br />Customized interfaces and data formats have bean required to facilitate information <br />exchange between propdetary and incompatible systems Successful data exchange is <br />greatly improved by (he development and adoption of standards that enable transparent <br />interoperability of disparate systems <br />The best way to accomplish this is to improve the effectiveness ofjustice and public safety <br />functions by applying information technologies to facilitate the exchange of information <br />Extensible Markup language (XML) is a technology that was created for this purpose <br />XML is generally recognized as an enabler for increasing the sharing of information, and <br />has emerged as a key technology for assisting commercial and government organizations <br />in exchanging information and conducting business over the Internet and intranets XML <br />is the "glue" that promotes data interoperability - it allows systems being developed to <br />communicate with each other and enables future expanded collaboraiion between <br />agencies <br />i "Emergency First Responder Report' <br />Federal Emergency Management Agency, <br />11 S Fire Administration 'January 1381 <br />2 "National Strategy for the Physical <br />Protection of C,dticai InfrasWetures and Key <br />Assets," The White House Febmary 2003, <br />page 43 <br />3'Why Cant We Talk? Working Together To <br />Bridge the Communications Gap To Save <br />Lives,' AGILE Program Fehmary 2003 <br />4 "Technology considerations in the <br />development of integrated justice data <br />exchange standards' IJIS Institute May <br />2001 <br />33 <br />
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