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COPS FY2005 Application Guide: Targeted/Invited Programs (,~?o <br />Consortia and Coordination <br />Multijudsdictional proposals will be considered as consortia If a grant is awarded; the <br />applicant agency or locality will serve as the lead agency and grantee during the <br />performance period, with the ocher consortia members serving, as grant sub•recipienls. <br />The lead agency will be responsible far successful implementation of the project and will <br />bear responsibility`for fulfilling all grant conditions. Lead agency status will not be <br />transferred once the grant has been awarded. However, pdor to application submission to <br />the COPS Office, invited regions may decide ii a different law enforcement agency will <br />serve as the lead applicant If the lead applicant is changed pdorio submission, this issue <br />should be addressed within the proposal with signed conpurrence from the original invitee <br />Under provisions of the 2005 Appropriations Act, the applicant and grantee must be a law <br />enforcement agency <br />Coordination _ - <br />Each applicant must certify within the propdsal that appropriate coordination occurred with <br />all agencies (state, local, end tribal) that may be affected by the applicant's proposal <br />Each applicant is encouraged to consultwith theirdesignated StafeAdminisMativeAgency <br />(SAA) so that the proposed interoperable communications initiative can be integrated into <br />their state's overall homeland security strategy The SAA is the state-designated <br />coordinator for the State Homeland Security Grant Programs administered by the Office <br />for Sfate and Local Government Coordination and Preparedness (SLGC,P), and is <br />responsible for the development of the state's vulnerability assessments and homeland <br />secudty strategy that are required under SLGCP's grant programs Applicants should <br />include comments from the SAA on how the judsdiclion's initiative is consistent with the <br />state plans and how the results of this effort will be incorporated into subsequent versions <br />of the state's response strategy <br />Similar guidance applies to agencies in or commuriicating with Metropolitan Statistical <br />Areas (MBAs) which will be parfiGpating in the Department of Justice High•Risk <br />Metropolitan Areas Interoperability (25 Cities) Project Such agencies should demonstrate <br />plans for integrated planning and implementation to ensure the coordination of <br />simultaneous activities far the improvement of communication and interoperability <br />Technical Assistance <br />:~ f To ensure that the chosen public safety interoperability projects are implemented in the <br />~ <br />' most efficient manner, grantees are encouraged to seek assistance from existing <br />; ~~ technical assistance resources available to the public safety community, In addition to the <br />ii 1 <br />"'r technical assistance provided by the COPS Office These additional resources v6ll provide <br /> <br />,, i grantees with both technical and program management assistance to optimize the <br />i.l <br />l resources and efficiency associated with communications technology prdcurement, <br />i <br />l <br /> <br />r. z mp <br />ementation, and integration Examples of such technical assistance resources may <br /> Include SAFECOM, the National Law Enforcement and Corrections Technology (,enter <br /> (NLECTC) System, the Integrated Justice Iniormalien Sharing (IJIS) institute, and <br />i <br />i SEARCH (The National Consortium for Justice Information and Statistics) <br />46 <br />