Orange County NC Website
COPS Interoperahle Communications Technology Grant Program al <br />8 Project Goals & Objectives <br />• Define the vision, goals, and objectives of what the jurisdiction is ultimately trying to <br />accomplish and how the proposed project would fit into an overall effort to increase <br />interoperability andlordata information sharing If an interoperable communications <br />plan has already been developed, it should be included in the application. <br />• Include a specific scope of work that provides measurable dbjectives (e g ,purchase <br />and install the system/equipment within a projected milestone date, draft and <br />dis(ribute information to public safety communities by a projected milestone date, and <br />conduct on-site demonstrations to communities by another projected milestone dale) <br />• Discuss how the proposal features new or innovative approaches or solutions to <br />increase interoperability andlor inforrnalinn shadng among the entire public safety <br />community (fire, emergency medical, and law enforcement services) <br />• Reflect a multi-disciplinary andlor mufti-jurisdfciional approach towards <br />achieving interoperability <br />• If other interoperability or information sharing projects with separate funding streams <br />are currently underway within yourjudsdiction, address how this (',OPS-fundetl` <br />project will not be dupilcaUve, yet coordinated'into one comprehensive plan for public <br />safety interoperability within the region Please descdbe the other project(s) and the <br />source of funding <br />C. Implementation Plan <br />• Propose a detailed implementation plan that includes a budget narative and <br />reasonable project timeline which identifies major milestones, including individual <br />activity costs, federal and non-federal shares, and plans for meeting the local <br />matching requirement <br />• Include an operational plan chat addresses how the effort will be funded now and in <br />the future <br />D Evaluation PIanlEffectiveness of Program <br />• Please include a project evaluation plan, including pedormance measures and <br />evaluation methodology. <br />E Additional Information <br />• The proposal should clearly list partners and contain letters of support from each <br />partnering agency, signed by the appropriate govemment offaals, when the proposal <br />is multi-Jurisdictional These letters should specify the respective roles of the <br />parliapating agencies and acknowledge the designation of one specified lead agency <br />to serve as the applicant agency (and, if awarded, lead agency and grantee for the <br />consortia) Tne letters of support should also address financial wnbibutions to the <br />local match <br />• Provide Information on any exlslina agreements such as Memoranda of Understanding <br />(MOUsj or Mutual Aid Agreements with parinedng judsdicUons <br />• Provide certification that the local govemment has evaluated the project submitted and <br />that the project will be implemented In accordance with 28 CFR Part 66, Uniform <br />Administrative Requirements for Grants and Cooperative Agreements to State and <br />Local Governments <br />45 <br />