Orange County NC Website
COPS FY20Q5 Application Guide: Targeted/Invited Programs <br />C~ <br />Requests may be made only for Items or positions that are not otherwise budgeted with <br />state, local, or Bureau of Indian Affairs funds, and would not be funded in Ure absence of <br />the Interoperable Communica(fons Technology grant <br />The budget information must include travel costs far at least four tepresentatives fo attend <br />a required grantee technical assistance/kick-off conference at a location to be determined <br />The representativPS should be two agency executives, a project manager and a <br />technology manager plus a member of the regional Urban Area Working Gmup, if your <br />jurisdicGonlregion receives funding from the Office (or Slate and Local Government <br />Coordination and Preparedness (formedy ODP) under the Urban Area Security Initiative <br />(UASI) grant program The wnference will be scheduled for three days eady in Fiscal <br />Year 2006, and will require athree-night stay for tha duration of the meeting Details and <br />logistics will be provided after the grants are awarded <br />Unallowable Costs°; Requests will NOT be Funded <br />This Is not an inclusive list The COPS Office reserves the right to deny funding for items <br />that may not be included on this Ilst Please do not apply for these items under the COPS <br />Interoperable Communications Technology Program <br />This program will not provide funding for any positions or items which are funded in the <br />applicant agency's budget with other sources of funding (state, local, or BIA) You may <br />apply only for otherwise unfunded positions or items to supplement your agency's law <br />enforcement budget <br />• Indirect costs <br />• Overtime hours for sworn officers or civilians <br />• Sworn otficers <br />• Any type of consUuction costs (e g ,towers, base stations, or buildings) <br />Evaluation of Grant Application <br />All applications will be peer-reviewed in coordination with SAFECOM, the National <br />Institute for Standards and Technology, and the National Institute of Justice (NIJ) The <br />COPS Office will work with SAFECOM, N(ST and NIJ to identify peer reviewers from the <br />public safety community Peer review panels Will be composed of both practitioners and <br />technologists knowledgeable in the area of voice and data Interoperabitity The panels will <br />review the applications on behalf of the COPS Office and will provide feedback and <br />recommendatlonstor funding <br />Monitoring, Reporting, $c Evaluation Requirements <br />Federal regulations require That any rinancial assistance tram the federal government be <br />monitored to ensure that those funds are spent propedy Awarded agencies will be <br />responsible for submitting periodic programmatic Progress Reports and quarterly <br />Financial Status Reports In addition, the COPS Ofrice is interested in tracking the <br />progress of its programs and the development of its grantees' project implementation <br />Therefore, all Interoperable Communications Technology Program grantees will be <br />required to participate in grant monilodng activities of the U S Department of Justice, <br />including but not limited to the COPS Office, the Office of the Inspector General, or an <br />entity designated by COPS <br />38 <br />