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COPS Interoperahle Communications Technology Grant Progra <br />broader context of the judsdictlon's interopembillty plans Such an explanation could <br />include Information on the governance structure overseeing the effort; a communications <br />system plan; a deployment plan; an pperations, maintenance, and training plan; and/or a <br />financial plan <br />The COPS Office is committed to avoiding duplication of existing networks or IT systems <br />in any initiatives funded for law enforcement information shadri-q systems which involve <br />interstate connectivity between judsdictions Therefore, suchCOPS-funded systems <br />should employ, to the extent possible, existing networks (e g ,Law Enforcement Online <br />(LEO), Regional Information Sharing Systems (RISS), Joint Regional Information <br />Exchange System (DRIES), etc) as the communication backbone to achieve interstate <br />connectivity <br />Designated judsdictions are invited to submit applications for interoperable <br />communications projects chat include: <br />• Purchasing interoperable communications equipment for multi-disciplinary and muiti- <br />judsdictional public safety communications projects <br />• Provid(ng local judsdictions with the equipment or services they need to participate on <br />larger public safety, commercial, or ocher shared networks <br />• The purchase and deployment of portable gateway solutions <br />• The purchase of technologies to upgrade or enhance the ability of law enforcement <br />systems to improve the timeliness, effectiveness, and accuracy of cdminal justice <br />information exchanges <br />• Any other technology that can be demonstrated to significantly increase <br />interoperabilltywtthin the public safety community <br />Applicants may also request assistance for other technologies if the application <br />demonstrates how the proposed technology will improve inieroperability among the fire <br />service, law enforcement and emergency medical service communities <br />Because of the administrative battlers and significant project delays related to <br />environmental review under the National Environmental Policy Ac[ (NEPA), the COPS <br />Office wilt not fund requests for costs that include construction undar the 2005 COPS <br />Intemperable Communications Technology Program (eg, towers, hose stations or <br />buildings) Any proposed costs requiting environmental review will be deemed disallowed <br />dudng budget clearance by the COPS Otfce <br />This year, proposals will be accepted to improve both voice interoperable communications <br />andlor data information sharing if an interoperable communications plan has not been <br />developed, the application sheuld also include a description of how the plan will be <br />established as part of the proposed project <br />Budget requests may be made in the categories of: <br />• Equipment <br />• Supplies <br />• TraveUfraining <br />• Contracfslconsultants [Note: any consultant or contracting charges associated with <br />your project over $4SOlday will require documented justification and prior written <br />approval by the COPS Office Determinations will be made on arose-by-case basis j <br />• Other costs <br />• In addition, items that have a direct correlation to the overall success of a grantee's <br />project objectives and are necessary for the project to reach (ull implementation will <br />be considered on a case-by-case basis by the program team <br />37 <br />