Agenda - 08-16-2005-5o
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 08-16-2005
Agenda - 08-16-2005-5o
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CAPS FY2005 Application Guide: Targeted/Invited Programs ~~ <br />Length of Grant Term, Maximum Federal Share and <br />Local Share Requirements <br />The Interoperable Communications Technology Program is one year in duration The <br />amount of funding available to specific grantees is designated by the population. The <br />maximum federal share for a grant award is $6 million for MSA regions with a population <br />greater than 500,000 persons according to the 2000 Census, and $3 million for MSA <br />regions with a population of 500,000 persons or less according to the 2000 Census <br />Proposals for lass than the respective federal funding cap are permissible The invitation <br />to submit an application does not guarantee grant funding <br />The COPS Office will review reasonable requests made for no-cost lime extensions in the <br />event that all funds granted have not been expended within the one-year grant pedod <br />Extension worksheets will be sent to the law enforcement deparbnent approximately 6.6 <br />weeks prior to the award end date.A_ny extensions granted will be for time only, and not <br />foradditional(undirig -: <br />t,ocal Match RequirementA local cash match of 25% of the total project cost is required <br />for all COPS Interoperable Communications Technology grants The match must be a <br />cash match, made from local, state or other non-COPS funds and may not be paid <br />through reallocating fiords otherwise budgeted for specific law enfomement purposes <br />Given the limited funding, waivers of the local match will not be available for gmnts <br />awarded under This padicular program In accordance with 28 C F R Section 6624, other <br />non-COPS federal assistance funds may only be used as a local match under the COPS <br />Office program if such use is specifically authorized by another Federal statute, such as <br />the other grant program's authorizing statute <br />Since the local matching requirement is 25% of the total project cost, applicants seeking <br />$6 million in federal funds will have a local cash match of $2 million Likewise, applicants <br />seeking $3 million in federal funds will have a local cash match of $1 million <br />Examples: <br />Total Project Cost = $8,000,000 (100%j <br />Federal Share = $6,000,000 ( 75%) <br />Local Match = $ 2,000,000 (25%) <br />Waiver of the Local Match <br />Total Project Cast = $4,000,000 (100%) <br />Federal Share = $3,000,000 (75%) <br />Local Match = $1,OOO,ODO ( 25%) <br />Requests to waive the local match are not permitted under this program <br />Federal Funding: Allowable & Unallowable Costs <br />Allowable Costs:' Fundable Requests <br />Applications must demonstrate that the proposal is based upon an understanding of the <br />first responder interoperability needs Proposals should be comprehensive with a clear <br />and demonstrated plan for accomplishing improved interoperability among first <br />responders of local, tribal, regional, and state public safety agencies or organizations and <br />reflect multi•judsdictional and/or multi-disciplinary participation <br />Each grant application must explain haw the proposed project would fit into an overall <br />effort to increase voice and/or data interoperability for the public safety community Even <br />if the funding sought is only for a piece of an interoperability endeavor (e g , the <br />procurement of equipment), an executive summary should be provided to illustrate the <br />36 <br />
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