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CAPS Interoperable Communications Technology Grant Program -" <br />Please be advised that a hold may be placed on this application if it is deemed that the <br />applicant agency is not in good standing on other U S Department bf Justice grants, has <br />other grant compliance issues that would make the applicant agency ineligible to receive <br />COPS funding, and/or is not cooperating with an ongoing compliance investigation <br />regarding a current COPS grant award A hold may also tie placed on this application if it <br />is deemed that the applicant agency is not in compliance vrilh federal civil rights laws <br />and/or is not cooperaling with an ongoing federal civil rights investigation <br />Eligibility Requirements <br />The Interoperable Communications Tachnology Program is not an open solicitation <br />Agencies are invited to apply The invited agencies will involve 6olh larger and smatter <br />population centers 1Tre COPS office will invite the top 50 Metropolitan Statistical Areas 7 Defined 6y u S Census Bureau, Statistical <br />(MBAs) in the nation plus the largest three by population per state to apply for funding, if Abshact of the united States: 2002 <br />applicable We will also eliminate any duplicates from these two groups and remove <br />jurisdictions that were funded under this program in Fiscal Years 2003 and 20D4 --_ <br />COPS will collaborate with NIST, CommTech within the National Institute of Justice (NIJ), <br />the Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) and SAFECOM on a competitive grant program in <br />FY 2005 to maximize the strategic impact of the funding that is available for interoperable <br />communications equipment The program will provide competitive funding to local <br />judsdictions to demonstrate efieclive solutions for achieving inieroperability <br />Selection of Applicants: Meropolitan Statistical Area (MSA <br />For this targeted solicitation, invitees are the top 50 Metropolitan Statistical Areas (MBAs) <br />across the nation plus the largest three per state and territory, as applicable After <br />eliminating duplicate MSAs from the above two categories, this approach resulted In <br />approximately 138 candidates. A lead judsdiction was designated within each MSA, <br />which should promote multi-judsdictional and multi-disciplinary, interoperable partnerships <br />with neighboring localities fie U S Census Bureau regulady utilizes Meropolitan <br />Statistical Areas for demographic purposes The general concept of an MSA is chat of a <br />core area containing a large popula8on nucleus, together with, adjacent communities <br />having a high degree of economic and social integration with that urore' Since neady <br />every state has at least one MSA applicant under the COPS invitation method, there will <br />be a variety of applications based on the size of population, geographic characteristics, <br />and cdtiral infrastructures <br />Jurisdictions that were awarded COPS grants under the FY03 and FY04 Interoperable <br />Communications Technology programs are not eligible to apply this year <br />For additional information, please contact your COPS Grant Program Specialist by calling <br />the COPS Office Response Center at 800 421 6770 <br />35 <br />