Orange County NC Website
3 <br /> <br />RESPONSIBILITIES AND DUTIES <br /> Below Standard Needs Improvement Meets Expectations Exceeds Expectations 2. Quality Control/Safety: Prescribes or reviews food package to determine adequacy. Completes WIC certifications Evaluates all prescriptions for special and therapeutic formula Helps to ensure a safe environment in clinic with staff and clients. Competency Validation: 1 2 3 4 Comments: <br /> <br /> 3. Patient Education: <br /> Asks open-ended questions to obtain additional information. Provides thorough assessment of each patient and determine appropriate risk code Based on client centered approach, determines educations topic. Effectively presents education topic with appropriate handouts. Determines correct follow-up visit based on risk code. Documents nutrition education contacts. Interprets, evaluates, and utilizes pertinent current research relating to nutrition care. Assists in the development and selection nutrition education materials for use by clients. Assists in outreach activities. <br /> Competency Validation: 1 2 3 4 DocuSign Envelope ID: 21C569EB-4BBB-4150-B032-2F90225D60FA