Orange County NC Website
2 <br /> <br />RESPONSIBILITIES AND DUTIES <br /> Below Standard Needs Improvement Meets Expectations Exceeds Expectations 1. Patient Care: <br /> Determine WIC Program eligibility based on the medical and nutrition risk identified. Determines risk codes, based on assessment and information presented. Provides individualized counseling in nutrition and breastfeeding based on needs and resources identified above. <br />Consults with medical providers, social work and other healthcare providers as needed to provide optimal care. Conducts counseling in culturally appropriate way to meet the needs of the patients. Screens immunization records of clients and makes referral as appropriate. Based on professional discretion determines follow schedule for patient Communicates with medical providers as needed Defers to lead nutritionist or RD for additional guidance with patients Demonstrates the ability to work with diverse patient populations served Competency Validation: 1 2 3 4 Comments: <br /> <br /> <br /> DocuSign Envelope ID: 21C569EB-4BBB-4150-B032-2F90225D60FA